David McCarter's VB Tips and Techniques

David McCarter's VB Tips and Techniques
David McCarter
01 Oct 2000
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In his new book, veteran Visual Basic programmer David McCarter provides VB professionals with a vareity of important new tips and techniques designed to maximize day-to-day productivity. Those who enjoyed David's first book, VB Tips and Tricks, will find the author's familiar style paired with content of special interest to intermediate and advanced developers.

Editorial Reviews

In his new book, veteran Visual Basic programmer David McCarter provides VB professionals with a variety of important new tips and techniques designed to maximize day-to-day productivity. Those who enjoyed David's first book, VB Tips and Tricks, will find the author's familiar style paired with content of special interest to intermediate and advanced developers.

Table of Contents

  1. Some Hot Tips to Get You Started
  2. Tips on Working with Strings and Arrays
  3. Tips on Working with Controls
  4. Disk and File Tips and Tricks
  5. Tips and Tricks to Use with Forms
  6. Tips from the World of Windows API
  7. Tips on Visual Basic and the Internet
  8. Database Tips for Visual Basic and Microsoft Access
  9. Tips and Tricks on Some Advanced Stuff
  10. Miscellaneous but Nevertheless Super-Useful Tips

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“Anyone who considers arithmetic methods of producing random digits is, of course, in a state of sin.” - John von Neumann