Programming Microsoft® LINQ (PRO-Developer

Programming Microsoft® LINQ (PRO-Developer
Paolo Pialorsi, Marco Russo
24 May 2008
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Get comprehensive guidance for using the Microsoft Language Integrated Query (LINQ) Project with in-depth insights from two experienced developers. Data-rich applications can be difficult to create because of the tremendous differences between query languages used to access data and programming languages commonly used to write applications. This practical guide covers the intricacies of LINQ, a set of extensions to the Visual C# and Visual Basic programming languages.

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Editorial Reviews

Get comprehensive guidance for using the Microsoft Language Integrated Query (LINQ) Project with in-depth insights from two experienced developers. Data-rich applications can be difficult to create because of the tremendous differences between query languages used to access data and programming languages commonly used to write applications. This practical guide covers the intricacies of LINQ, a set of extensions to the Visual C# and Visual Basic programming languages. Instead of traversing different language syntaxes required for accessing data from relational and hierarchical data sources, developers will learn how to write queries natively in Visual C# or Visual Basic helping reduce complexity and boost productivity. Written by two experienced developers with strong ties to developer teams at Microsoft, this book describes the LINQ architecture and classes, details the new language features in both C# and Visual Basic, and provides code samples in both languages.

Key Book Benefits:

Delivers an in-depth guidance for using LINQ

Covers architecture, syntax, and classes, illustrating how developers can integrate LINQ into their toolkits

Features code samples in Visual C# and Visual Basic

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