Programming Microsoft® LINQ (PRO-Developer

Programming Microsoft® LINQ (PRO-Developer
Paolo Pialorsi, Marco Russo
24 May 2008
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Get comprehensive guidance for using the Microsoft Language Integrated Query (LINQ) Project with in-depth insights from two experienced developers. Data-rich applications can be difficult to create because of the tremendous differences between query languages used to access data and programming languages commonly used to write applications. This practical guide covers the intricacies of LINQ, a set of extensions to the Visual C# and Visual Basic programming languages.

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  1. Editorial Reviews
  2. Customer Reviews

Customer Reviews

John P. Puopolo said
Overall, I liked this book. It provided a thorough explanation of key LINQ concepts, complete with the "hows" and the "whys." I also liked the progression the authors used in terms of building on simple concepts and subsequently adding complexity. I am sure I will use it as a reference moving forward.

I rated this book 4 (vs. 5) stars because I think the authors, in their exuberance to be precise, sometime get caught up in details that obscure more practical and pragmatic points. In addition, a few of the chapters would have been better off as appendices, especially the one titled Inside Expression Trees. I doubt that most first-time LINQ developers will find a need to spelunk or merge expression trees - they will instead query SQL Server to implement their line of business applications.

Lastly, I thought the book was a little wordy. The authors tend to repeat themselves often, and use many words where few would suffice. I found myself getting bored by the end of the book.

All in all, worth the read and a good reference.

Massimo Lombardini said
It seems a book writed by teachers that want theirs students knowledge-far from themselfs. No suggestion. No tips and tricks. And often, they write complex phrases to say simple thinks. Keep away

Mantovani Daniele said
I started playing with LINQ three years ago, after the first public CTP. I'm fascinated about this fantastic technology for many reasons.
It's a pleasure for me reading this book... I found in it many aspects that I really don't know so well. It's well written, clear and complete. Its pragmatic approach reveals authors skills about LINQ.

I surely recommend this book for "beginners" and also for "experienced users".

Giuseppe Spaziani said
I bought this book to understand how to use the new data object model "LINQ" for my certification plan. I think that the authors have done a great job with this book!

The book starts with an introduction about LINQ and its use in .NET that helped me to understand the potential.

Finally, I recommend the book to everyone has to upgrade his skill!

Igor Macori said
I finally understood when and why use LINQ.
Our developers started to work with LINQ and we going to concretize our work also thanks this book.

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