Add all fonts to a treeview control

This example will show you how to add all your system fonts to the treeview control.
'//Add a treeview control to your form
'//Paste this in your form 
Private sub form_load()
 Dim i As Integer
With TreeView1.Nodes

    Set Root = .Add(, , , "Available System Fonts")
    For i = 1 To Screen.FontCount - 1
       .Add Root.Index, tvwChild, , Screen.Fonts(i)
End With
end sub
In the above code, notice the "set Root". This line is the name of the Title or the Category, and anything below it is considered its "subtitles". For example: Title []- Subtitle []-Subtitle Tile 2 []-Subtitle []-Subtitle

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 Robert age:14, programmer;languages(vb, c++,vbscript, html)


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