MRJ Color Choice 3.0

This simple application will describe how you can create a simple color selector, a tool to pick color by pixel in images and so forth.
Now updated...

Added file and folder existant check so the user can't try to do something opening a file or folder that isnt there.
In other words, basic error handling.
I added a maintenance view that describes a lot of the basic usage of a listview control.
1) load data from a ASCII file to list view
2) save data from a list view to ASCII file
3) remove item from list view
4) Column header events in listviews
5) Sorting listview by command button and combo box selection
6) How to use the combobox1.Text value as Selected Text
Now using ShowColor API code instead of slide controls

and a wohle lot of other things...

It also displays the use of the API function GetPixel and it's VB equivalent.
The VB Equivalent is however commented out.

Compiled executable and full source to this application is included in the uploaded zip file.

The PDF file is gone but an extensive end user help file in HTML is included too.
Simply extract the entire zip file into a directory of its own.

All bas and frm files and so on are included.
It is simply a tool created for the apparel industry where they may want to generate a long list of their color choises. Thus being able to post a color chart on their web site.
It will also allow you to look at how the Common Dialog syntax is laid out in a a basic way, as well as see how pictures are loaded to picture boxes dynamically.
Once more, this describes how to save data form your application to a separate file in ascii format for later use.

have fun!

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Mike J


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