Transmitting a file over a Network

Transfer a file over a network with this activeX ocx control. Use this control instead of winsock, and call the upload or download subroutine, its that simple! (You also get constant updates on %completion, Bytes per second, and time remaining).

All information and examples are stored in the zip file.

With this Controll you can...
1) Initiate a file transfere from either server side or client side.
2) Resume partially transfered files
3) Get uptodate statistics on TimeRemaining, Bytes per second, %Completion.

this contol uses the winsock.ocx, and uses 2 ports,, selected by the user.
after you call the Upload or Download Subroutine, the control does the rest, and lets you know when it is finished

Please send any feedback to [email protected]

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