Let's do Paperwork! (p.s. there will be Pizza)

Sat, 12 May 2012, 03:00 - 06:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Olympia, US

It's time for us to get together and set down, in an official way, the principles, rules, and guidelines that will define our space.

We currently have (thanks to work by Keith):
* A draft of a Standard Member Agreement, based on documents from a model hackerspace. This agreement, signed by all members, will form the "house rules". Starting from this document, members may suggest rules or edits, which we will vote on.
* A draft of a Safe Space Agreement, which covers things like conflict resolution and rules covering potentially dangerous activities
* A slightly rougher draft of a Keyholder Agreement, outlining the responsibilities of a keyholder in respect to maintaining the security and utility of the space, as well as defining the requirements for gaining keyholder status, and causes for revocation.

We need your input to finalize these documents!

In a blatant attempt to bribe people into showing up, I'll buy pizza from Oldschool.

If anyone wants to bring drinks, might I suggest a 12 or 24 pack of your favorite canned (non-alcoholic) beverage - we can use the leftovers to kickstart beverage vending at the space!

This meeting is open to the public, and all current and prospective members are encouraged to come and take part in the conversation. Votes on particular items, and on a final version, will be limited to current members as of 5/10/12.

For Any Current Members Who Are Unable to Attend: We will keep a tally of all votes, and these tallies will be published online immediately after the meeting. All votes will be kept open for a 24 hour period, during which any current member may exercise their vote via email to [email protected]

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