Infragistics debuts NetAdvantage for Silverlight Data Visualisation

This article was originally published in VSJ, which is now part of Developer Fusion.
Infragistics’ NetAdvantage for Silverlight Data Visualisation is a collection of data visualisation-focused user interface (UI) controls for building information dashboards tracking Performance Indicators and Applications that deliver business intelligence.

It includes:

  • xamWebMap to present end users with business intelligence data in rich and interactive maps featuring functionality such as panning, zooming, mouseover effects and tooltips.
  • xamWebChart a control that supports animation, storyboards, data binding and 28 chart types.
  • xamWebGauge to create interactive business scorecards and information dashboards with client-side interactivity.
  • xamWebTimeline enabling users to understand and visualise a sequence of events.
  • xamWebZoombar that plugs into other Silverlight controls – like the chart or timeline – to provide a user interface for dynamically scaling and scrolling an associated control’s view of data.
As with all Infragistics product offerings, source code is included allowing developers to customise the Silverlight data visualisation controls to create new or composite controls.

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