Smooth Progress Bar



VB Web Smooth Progress Bar Control README file.


The VB Web Progress Bar Control allows you to easily add smooth progress bars to your project. The control also features a Calculate Percentage facility, which allows you to let the control work out the percentage completed. If you need any help using the control, please feel free to email [email protected] .


In order to install this application, please copy the file to your system directory. Then click Run on your start menu, and enter Regsvr32.exe vbwProgressBar.ocx. To add the ocx control to your project, click Project|Properties. Then click browse, and select vbwProgressBar. You will now see a new icon in your toolbox.


ALL properties can be set at both design time and run time .

Backwards - Specifies whether the control progresses backwards (ie goes from right to left, or top to bottom instead of left to right and top to bottom)
- Specifies whether the control has a 3D border
BorderLine - Returns/sets whether the control has a line border
CalculatePercentage –
Specifies whether to take the Value property as a percentage, or as a current value. If this is set to true, you also need to set the TotalValue property.
Font - Changes the font used to display the text
Horizontal - Specifies if the control progresses horizontally or vertically
ProgressColor - Changes the colour of the Progressbar, and the text.
ShowStatus – Specifies whether to display the percentage. The Text property will still be displayed.
Text - Specifies the text (if any) to be displayed in the progress message
TextAfterProgress - Specifies the text (if any) to be displayed after the % message
TotalValue – Specifies the Total value (ie 2536), when CalculatePercentage = True
Value – Specifies the percentage, or the current value (ie 2 out of 2536) when CalculatePercentage = True






There is an example project (prjExample.vbp) included with this control.

Alternatively, if you are performing a number of functions (such as copying installation files), you could use something like the following code:

With spbProgressBar1
    .ShowStatus = False
    .Text = "Copying help files…"
    .Value = 10
    Call CopyHelpFiles
    .Text = "Copying system files…"
    .Value = 40
    Call CopySystemFiles
    .Text = "Copying program files…."
    .Value = 80
    Call CopyProgramFiles
    .Text = ""
    .Value = 100
End With


You will get an Invalid Property Error (Err 380) if you attempt to assign an invalid colour. All colours between 0 and 16842751 are accepted

Known Issues

Multiple lines for the Text and TextAfterStatus properties are not supported. Experiment at your own peril!

Product Support

If you would like to report a bug, please email [email protected]. Please note that we will take no responsibility for any loss, however caused through using this or any other VB Web control.

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