Scrolling Text Control



VB WEB Scroller ActiveX Control Readme


To install the control, copy it to your Windows System directory, and then enter the following into the Run window:
regsvr32.exe vbwScroller.ocx


LoadTextFromFile - Loads the contents of a file into the control. 
Reset - Resets the scrolling (starts again)
StartScroll - Starts scrolling
StopScroll - Stops scrolling


Amount - Sets the amount the scroller moves each time the specified interval occurs
Alignment - Sets the alignment of the text
AutoStart - Sets if the control automattically starts scrolling when it is displayed
BackColor - Sets the background colour
Border - Sets the border style
Font - Sets the font used
ForeColor - Sets the colour of the font
Interval - Sets the interval between each scroll movement
ScrollType - Sets the scroll type. Can be vbwScrollDown, vbwScrollUp, vbwScrollLeft, vbwScrollRight.
Scrolling - Sets if the control is scrolling
StopAfterOneScroll - Sets whether to stop after one loop has been completed
Text - Sets the text to be displayed


OnCompleteScroll - Occurs when a complete loop has been run
OnStart - Occurs when the control starts scrolling
OnStop - Occurs when the control stops scrolling


There is an example project included with the control, along with the controls source code.

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