ASP.NET Tutorials & Articles
ASP.NET Patterns every developer should know
by Alex HomerIn the first of three parts, Alex looks at some of the basic patterns in ASP.NET, and how you can apply these to your ASP.NET applications in a few simple steps.
REST and .NET 3.5 Part 1 - why REST based services?
by Richard BlewettWhy has REST been getting so much attention recently? It's no accident that Yahoo, Google and Amazon have chosen not to use SOAP to expose their APIs. Learn some of the issues of using SOAP, and how a RESTful based architecture can resolve some of these.
WPF Custom Controls
by George ShepherdWPF completely overturns the classic approach to developing Windows applications and adds user interface flexibility and pizzazz unavailable to Windows developers up to now. George looks at one aspect of this - implementing controls.
Introducing Visual Studio .NET 2008 - Top 10 Features
by Mark SmithAfter a long beta period, Visual Studio .NET 2008 is finally on general release. There are a ton of new features and enhancements in this release that make it almost a no-brainer to upgrade - I thought I’d take a moment and list my top ten favorites in no particular order.
The Zen of Volta
by Richard BlewettRichard takes a looks at a preview of a Microsoft incubation project called Volta, offering a new way of deploying applications written using single-tier architecture to a multi-tiered client/server environment without having to rewrite the code.
OpenXML - Open for business
by Matt NicholsonThe new file format introduced with the 2007 Microsoft Office System opens up many business opportunities. Matt Nicholson finds out who is doing what.
New C# 3.0 Language Features
by Scott GuthrieLearn about some of the new features in C# 3.0 including automatic properties, collection initializers, extension methods, lambda expressions and anonymous types.
Inside ASP.NET AJAX back end services
by Dino EspositoMost of the emphasis with AJAX is on how to perform an asynchronous update at the client. Dino Esposito considers the other end of the connection – how exactly does the server provide the data that the client needs?
Have you seen the Silverlight? – More Silverlight
by Dave WheelerIs Silverlight the way to make your browser based applications as rich as a desktop application? Dave Wheeler thinks so and put the case for sophistication in Silverlight. In this second article, we look at events and move rapidly on to animation and other powerful presentation effects.
SQL Trusted Connections with ASP.NET
by Barry DorransHard coding passwords into your application or your web site is a bad thing. Barry looks at how we can use trusted connections to provide the authentication we need, without the need for these potential security hazards.
Microsoft Indexing Service and ASP.NET
by Barry DorransMicrosoft Indexing Service is a service that provides a means of quickly searching for files on the machine. Barry investigates how we can use the indexing service to expose full-text searching in ASP.NET.
Using SQL Server for ASP.NET session state
by Barry DorransLearn how you can use an alternative session storage method, using SQL Server - very useful if you're running sites across multiple servers, or need session state to persist across application restarts.
Have you seen the Silverlight?
by Dave WheelerSo you want fancy, sexy streaming media in the UI? And you want cool animations, fancy glow-in-the-dark buttons and decent, scalable vector graphics? And you want to run your application in a browser on both Windows and Mac OSX? If you’re already reaching for your copy of How to Wow with Flash, stop. There’s a new kid muscling onto the somewhat crowded Rich Interactive Application (RIA) block, and it’s coming from Microsoft.
Top 10 Application Security Vulnerabilities in Web.config Files - Part Two
by Bryan SullivanIn this second part of a two-part series, you will learn about application security issues related to authentication and authorization, as well as five vulnerabilities commonly found in ASP.NET web-based applications. Additionally, find out how to keep configuration files from being unintentionally modified by uninformed programmers or administrators, as well as why it is critical to never rely on default setting values.
Top 10 Application Security Vulnerabilities in Web.config Files - Part One
by Bryan SullivanIn part one of this two part article, you will learn about five of the top ten “worst offenders” of misconfigurations of application security that can cause overall problems for ASP.NET Web-based applications. Learn more about how to secure the Web.config files of an ASP.NET application.
Edit and Encrypt Web.Config sections using C# 2.0
by Mohammed HabeebAn article to illustrate editing and encrypting of sections of Web.Config file programatically. It is illustrated with an ASP.NET 2.0 application, which can edit and encrypt sections of Web.Config.
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Checklist
by James CrowleySearch engine optimisation is pretty much part and parcel of creating websites these days. Getting the basics right don't require a large amount of work, but can make all the difference.
Developing for Office 2007
by Matt NicholsonThe forthcoming 2007 Microsoft Office System offers many new opportunities for software developers. Matt Nicholson looks at the new user interface and the Open XML file format, finds out what's happened to VSTO, and explores the possibilities opened up by SharePoint Server 2007 and Groove 2007.
Developing your first Visual WebGui gateway
by Guy PeledAn introduction to using Visual WebGui gateways which are the Visual WebGui way to bridge WinForms development to web development.
High-Performance .NET Application Development & Architecture
by Dimitrios MarkatosThis article demonstrates the art of creating and architecting high-performance and scalable .NET applications, covering all stages, from planning to development and their perspective best practices.