HTML5 Training & Events in Europe
Intel Software Android + HTML 5 Christmas Party - London, United Kingdom
happened 7 years ago
Organised by Intel Software
Intel has organised a laid-back meet-up for the capital’s coders! Mark out the 3rd December in your diaries for an evening of food, drinks, and the opportunity to network and talk ‘droid and HTML5 with your fellow developers and Android lovers.
Tech Masterclass: Intro to HTML 5 & CSS3 - London, United Kingdom
happened 8 years ago
Organised by London Silicon Roundabout
As part of the Tech Masterclass series we're holding an introduction course to HTML5 and CSS. HTML5s core aims have been to improve the HTML language with support for the latest multimedia while keeping it easily readable by humans and consistently understood by computers and devices such as mobiles and tablets.At TechMeetups we understand the need to always be at the forefront of technical advances that the world is embracing and we feel responsible to help our members achieve this too.
Dart : A new HTML5 technology - Paris, France
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Paris GTUG - Google Tech User Group
Nicolas Geoffray is a french software engineer at Google working on the design and implementation of programming languages. His current focus is on Dart, a new programming language dedicated to scalable web programming. He is making sure Dart runs on all modern browsers that people use. And runs super fast as well. will be announced soon.We are looking for a second talk (related to Dart preferably).As usual, Open micro (3min demos) to showcase your last project->
Intro to HTML5 Framework SproutCore - Stockholm, Sweden
happened 8 years ago
Organised by sthlm.js
Register: found out that the SproutCore meet ups are moving online to make them more accessible to everyone. The next meet up is scheduled for Tuesday, August 14th at 4pm PST. The scheduled panelists for this session are Dave Porter and are Tyler Keating who both contribute heavily to the code. Those of you who are interested in this HTML5-based framework should check it out.
Scott Hanselman: Super ASP.NET - Glasgow, United Kingdom
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Scottish Developers
One ASP.NET (super everything talk)It’s an exciting time for ASP.NET and Open Source.What does the next version of Visual Studio and ASP.NET bring to the world of web development? How will you use HTML5, CSS3 and new advances in JavaScript with ASP.NET?There’s new advances in ASP.NET with the addition of realtime (Signalr), new features in WebForms as well as support for mobile. How will it all snap together in a way that makes sense?
Aberdeen Developers .Net User Group - July 2012 Meeting - Aberdeen, United Kingdom
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Aberdeen Developers .Net User Group
Aberdeen Developers are pleased to present a talk by Scott Hanselman on Thursday 12th July 2012 at the Robert Gordon University.One ASP.NET - Open Source, .NET and the CloudIt's an exciting time for ASP.NET and Open Source. What does the next version of Visual Studio and ASP.NET bring to the world of web development? How will you use HTML5, CSS3 and new advances in JavaScript with ASP.NET?
PHPNW July 2012 - Manchester, United Kingdom
happened 8 years ago
This month we have a talk by Jenny Wong on Frontend in 2012. As much as we all love PHP, what about all those things it needs to get along with? The talk will cover the current state of play in subjects ranging from HTML5 and responsive design, all the way back to the browser wars. This will demonstrate implementions relevant to each subject and hope to show that, even though you may never touch the frontend, you should still be taking notes! PHPNW (PHP North West)
Peter Lubbers presenta HTML5 - Roma, Italy
happened 8 years ago
Organised by HTML5 Italy
Peter Lubbers è Senior Director Technical Communication presso Kaazing ed autore del libro "Pro HTML5 Programming (Apress, 2010)". Sarà speaker all'evento di giugno. L'argomento è ancora da definire. Seguiranno presto aggiornamenti.
May 2012 Meetup - Adobe Dreamweaver CS6.0 - , United Kingdom
happened 8 years ago
Organised by The London Dreamweaver Meetup Group
Bell & Compass is now called Cafe Rouge. Meetup at the entrance. Charing Cross Tube Station Exit 2.0.To buy Dreamweaver follow or click onto the next link ----- >>> Adobe Dreamweaver CS6Dreamweaver Salary Trend. Start 7pm - Meetup then walk up to StarBucksDrinks 7pm - till you know your limit. Starbuck strongest is Coffee black!Informal - 8pm - 8.30pm (small-talk) then openProposed small-talk:What's New in Dreamweaver CS6
Cross platform HTML5 Games & Javascript Micro Frameworks - London, United Kingdom
happened 8 years ago
Organised by The London Web Meetup
This month we have Nick Brown speaking on Cross platform HTML5 Games, and Daniel Knell speaking on Javascript Micro Frameworks!With many more developers specialising in either HTML5 or Javascript now, it's time we drilled in to best practises in both fields, with lots of examples and case studies for HTML5 work, and a look at the best way to structure your Javascript!HTML5 GamesNick will give insight into the tools that his company Boss Level Games use when developing HTML5 games.
Web-5 Conference - Béziers, France
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Web-5 Association
Web-5 Conference has for main themes Javascript, Dojo Toolkit, HTML5, WebGL, Node.js, Scala, CSS4, Mobile development and Front-End performance. It is an expert level conference which tries to bring Technical Rock Stars to the countryside ;)For more information in english, please check our website!
Feb Magento meet, A-listers on HTML5, Cloud, MongoDB and PHP - hosted by BRANDiD - London, United Kingdom
happened 9 years ago
Organised by London Magento Users Group
This is the first Magento meetup of 2012, and since we missed January, we're doing something extra special for February. Remember this is our community, and we're trying to make it the best Magento Meetup in the world, so spread the word to colleagues, clients etc...The team at BRANDiD have pulled out all the stops to secure some talks from some ALL-STAR guests of the web tech world.
This Androids Life - Abingdon, United Kingdom
happened 9 years ago
Organised by NxtGenUG
Ross Scott is starting our year with a talk about "This Androids Life".If you wanted to understand HTML5 and Phone Gap or even Java and Eclipse or .net and C# that can all be used on an Android device then this is a session that you cannot afford to miss.We of course will be serving Pizza, giving away great swag and maybe throw in a Nugget.
Cross Browser HTML 5 and Mobile Compatible Web Pages with CSS - Dublin, Ireland
happened 9 years ago
Organised by MMUG-Dublin
Example demo files, leveraging Photoshop, CSS, HTML 5 tags, Dreamweaver and some other resources eg BrowserLab/CSS Builders, will be built from scratch. Full accreditation and pointers to all resources used will be given. Example web page encompassing the above built from start to finish.
SmashingMagazine Meetup #3 with Paul Irish and Stuttgart GTUG - Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany
happened 9 years ago
Organised by The SmashingMagazine Meetup
We just received the confirmation from fabulous Paul Irish and Stuttgart GTUG for our December MeetUp - more details coming soon but please sign up already so we can find the right venue :o)In the meantime, don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter and stop by at our Flickr accountLooking forward seeing you all!Update schedule:5.30pm: open doors, drinks6pm: Paul Irish on History of HTML5 and The New Vocabulary of Web Dev6.30pm: FAQ7pm: break and drinks
This Andriods life - Hereford, United Kingdom
happened 9 years ago
Organised by NxtGenUG
Ross Scott comes across to Hereford to talk about "This Androids Life". If you wanted to understand HTML5 and Phone Gap or even Java and Eclipse or .net and C# that can all be used on an Android device then this is a session that you cannot afford to miss.We of course will be serving Pizza, giving away great swag and maybe throw in a Nugget.
Web Application Security in front end - Oslo, Norway
happened 9 years ago
Organised by framsia
Web Application Security in front endAs web applications are becoming more and more complex, getting security right is more crucial than ever. HTML5 and new APIs in the browser introduce both new opportunities and dangers which every web developer should be aware of when architecting a web application. Many assume that security only concerns the back end architecture. It does not; security does also concern the front end layer.
HTML5 WebSockets with Brad Drysdale - Wandsworth, United Kingdom
happened 9 years ago
Organised by The London Web Meetup
This month we focus in on WebSockets in HTML5 with Brad Drysdale.You're probably aware of the various chat systems around the web (facebook chat for example) but recently there has been more of a desire for other types of interaction using these technologies. Many have requested talks on Node.js, Comet long-polling, or similar technologies. WebSockets are the evolution of these technologies, and a developing standard being progressed by the IETF.
HTML5 Live London - London, Denmark
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Trifork Ltd. and Kaazing
The HTML5 Live conference is a one-day conference and the program dives into areas of Browser Support, Architecture, Communication, Mobile and Web Applications. Speakers Include: Bruce Lawson - Co-Author of "Introducing HTML5", Jake Archibald - BBC, Ido Green - Google, Jonas Jacobi and Jon Fallows - Co-Founders of Kaazing, and Christian Heilmann - Mozilla
Software Architect 2011 - London, United Kingdom
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Bearpark Publishing Ltd
A technical conference for software architects, with four days of in-depth workshops and sessions on on agile OO design, pragmatic .NET architecture, design patterns, mobile application development, user interface architecture, HTML5, emergent design, REST, event-driven systems, distributed agile development, flow-orientation, M-V-VM, agile database design, and much more.
Peter Lubbers' HTML5 Fast Track - London, United Kingdom
happened 9 years ago
Organised by OpenSource & Agile Community Events
Peter Lubbers -- co-author of Pro HTML5 Programming and former Special Forces commando -- brings back to Skills matter his cutting-edge HTML5 “Fast Track” course this October.Attendees will learn about all the major feature areas that make up HTML5: *Semantic markup and forms *CSS3 *Multimedia *Graphics and 3D *Device access *Performance *Offline and Storage *Connectivity
jQuery Manchester Meetup - Manchester , United Kingdom
happened 9 years ago
Organised by The jQuery Manchester meetup
The jQuery Manchester meetup returns to the MadLab on the 10th May 2011. We have two great speakers lined up for you this evening.Firstly, we have Paul Jackson talking from a designers perspective on where CSS stops and where jQuery begins. He'll be going beyond :hover and :active and also look at how you can gracefully degrade the experience for users who don't have Javascript enabled. Paul is a web designer, currently working for a communications agency in Congleton.
Hull Digital Developer Group - April Meetup - Hull, United Kingdom
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Hull Digital / Hull Open Coffee
We are delighted to announce our next Hull Digital meetup. We've got a couple of cracking speakers lined up for you.Location: Fudge cafe restaurantDate: 28th AprilTime: 6:30pmBig thanks to Rosie and the staff of Fudge for having us.The event will be held in the upstairs area of Fudge, so please go straight up.Food and drink will be available to buy on the evening.Who will be talking?Dave Foy - "Sell Yourself Without Selling Your Soul"About Dave
Offline webalkalmazások - Budapest, Hungary
happened 9 years ago
Organised by budapest.js - JavaScript Hungary Meetup
Elöreláthatóan két elöadás és remélhetöleg sok kérdés, diszkusszió várható árilisi meetupunk alkalmával. Íme a program:Hardi jános ( "Hey, who turned out the lights?"Egy példaalkalmazás segítségével igyekszem bemutatni a HTML5 nyújtotta lehetöségeket a felhasználói élmény fenntartására olyankor is, amikor nélkülöznünk kell a hálózati kapcsolatot.Aba Péter: ( ImageHarvester (Chrome kiterjesztés)
London Ajax User Group Meetup: JavaScript Game Engines, Part 1 - London, United Kingdom
happened 9 years ago
Organised by London Ajax User Group
Note: Skills Matter is sponsoring the venue for the event. Please also RSVP at April London Ajax User Group is coming soon. The topic will be part 1 of a two-part series on JavaScript Game Engines. Part 2 is in MaySchedule:18:00: Meet & Greet18:20: Introduction18:30: Common gotchas with Ajax and HTML5 game development (Nick Brown, Boss Level Games)19:10: TBD20:00: PubThe event is also kindly sponsored by
HTML5 and the RX Framework - Woking, United Kingdom
happened 9 years ago
Organised by DevEvening
HTML5(with Mark Embling)HTML5 is the latest iteration of the HTML standard we've all come to know and (possibly) love. So what has changed, what is new and what might this mean for us as web devs? This talk intends to answer these questions by giving a broad overview of HTML5, with a focus on the various new elements and APIs and what they abilities they give us.Mark works as a software developer for the Sixth Form College Farnborough.
Flash Camp Birmingham - Birmingham, United Kingdom
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Flash Camp
Over an afternoon and evening, experts in Flash, Flex and AIR will share their knowledge through presentations and talks. Come and meet some of the Adobe team, Professionals, Community Leaders and network with fellow developers and designers.Whether you’re just getting started with the Flash Platform, or consider yourself a pro, there’s something for you! There'll also be giveaways galore!SPEAKERS: SEB LEE-DELISLE /MIKE JONES / JAMES WHITTAKER / STEVE CARPENTER / NIQUI MERRET
Neste meetup blir del av GoOpen/CiA: 9 faggrupper, 9 tracks, 2 timer - Oslo, Norway
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Oslo XP Meetup
Oppdatert: Tidspunkt endret fra kl 16:00 til 16:30. Det blir mat og mingling frem til det faglige starter kl 17:30.Den 22 og 23. mars avholdes GoOpen konferansen i Oslo. I forbindelse med denne konferansen vil Cantara arrangere en ny Communities in Action torsdag kveld for å vise frem det sterke fagmiljøet vi har her i Oslo. Her stiller blant annet Oslo XP Meetup med foredrag.
Andrew Dodson from Microsoft on IE 9 - Wandsworth, United Kingdom
happened 9 years ago
Organised by The London Web Meetup
Our series on browsers continues - Opera, Firefox, now IE!We're really pleased to have Andrew Dodson from the IE9 team at Microsoft UK speaking on the latest release of IE9 - released just 3 days ago.Andrew works on the Microsoft dev team in London, where he is the front line for fixes and implementing the latest HTML across all browsers, with special attention paid to making sure IE9 shines. He'll have a lot to cover, and will be able to take your IE questions from the floor.
DevWeek 2011 - London, United Kingdom
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Bearpark
The UK's biggest software development conference takes place in London from 14-18 March, with over 100 in-depth sessions and workshops on NET 4.0, Windows Phone 7, Silverlight, HTML5, WCF, Visual Studio, ASP.NET MVC, SQL Server, C# 4.0 and much more
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