Gridview containing dependent dropdownlist errors on selected index changed

control parameter , , gridview , dropdownlist United States
  • 10 years ago

    I have a dropdownlist2 in a gridview whose datasource and select control parameter is based on the selected value of dropdownlist1 in the same gridview. Everything works great for insert, but when I edit the row in the gridview and change the selected value in dropdownlist1, I get an error of "'dropdownlist2' has a SelectedValue which is invalid because it does not exist in the list of items. Parameter name: value" This kinda makes sense to me. At what stage (maybe drowdownlist1 selectedindexchanged?) do I tell dropdownlist2 that it needs to requery so I don't get the error. I can just tell it to select the 0 index by default here for dropdownlist2. An example would be lovely.

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