php , xml United States
  • 16 years ago
    The problem can be stated as follows:

    Windows application
    Automatically generates entire SOAP message. It uses the selected X509 certificate, (by default) signs the entire message body and adds the corresponding signature to the SOAP header.

    PHP application

    calls openssl_verify() using 3 parameters:

    data - the part of SOAP message that was signed
    signature - the corresponding signature
    public key - the public key from the X509 certificate

    All would seem 100% logical however when break things down problems start.

    What exactly is the 'data' that is signed. We need to know this so we can verify at server. Does it include nested tags or just their contents? Is it binary or base 64 encoded?

    Similarly with 'signature', we have found documentation stating under some circumstances it should be byte reversed because windows sends in wrong order, however we have no control over how signature is transmitted, this is done automatically by SOAP toolkit

    Finally, not sure that windows generated & PHP certificates are entirely compatible.

    Please note that I am aware that in theory all these questions are individually answerable but put together they provide a nightmare combination of variables to the first time soap visitor. Any help much appreciated.

    Thanks in advance!

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