more web form help needed

  • 16 years ago

    hello again  i need some more help

    this is the list of things  i need this form to do

    1. allow lower and upper case
    2. allow spaces between letters
    3. restrict the number of . , _ - if possible used in each nick
    4.wanted the script set for was alphanumeric with the added exception of - _ . and "[:space:]"

    here is the code im using

    function checkName($nickname,$title){
     $result="$title minimum 4 characters!";
    else if(eregi("([^_a-z.0-9-])",$nickname)){
     $result="Invalid $title !";
       if(strtolower($nickname)==$blockWord[$i]) $result="$title \"".$blockWord[$i]."\" is reserved word !";

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