Define an object in php

  • 16 years ago

    I'm new to PHP and I desperately need peoples help.
    On my website I want to have a single page with a blank embedded object
    I need it so that when somebody clicks a link, it changes the embedded object to a legitimate one
    (.wmv, .swf, .mov for example). If have seen similar stuff done in php where the object is
    stated in the link (eg. (not an actual link btw) ) and I think this might be the answer
    to my problem, except because I'm new to PHP I don't know how to program this. I have tried
    a few things using some of the tutorials in the Php / perl section, but to no avail.

    Could anyone post the code which I will have to place on the page, and what I will have to have
    the link as. Or if anyone knows any tutorials which teach exactly this. Please point me in the right

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