php exec not working after uploading

  • 16 years ago

    hi! im new here. im still starting to explore php codes. and now im doing a program in uploading files.

    i used to upload an image in the server

    $uploadfile = "/var/www/images/";
    moveuploadedfile($FILES['filefield']['tmpname'], $uploadfile);

    then i used
    chmod($uploadfile, 0777);
    to change its mode so i could read it.

    afterwards, i used
    $bmpname = "pic.bmp";
    exec('cd /var/www/images/');
    exec('/usr/local/otb2sms -r -l 515 03 $bmpname > sample.txt' );

    the exec statement is not working.
    but when i type it in the server, it works. but why not on the php code?

    before, i used this and it worked. it was until the time that i used chmod when it started not working. does chmod has something to do why id didnt work?

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