Hyperlink Column

asp.net Uganda
  • 13 years ago
    Hi all,
    I have this big problem with hyperlinks I would appriciate any help please.
    My web site has two datagrids on the same page. And one has a list of names of the users which are in form of hyperlinks. The second datagrid is for inserting data, and when a user inserts data I used 'Windows Authentication' for names in one column called Name.
    Now this is how it's supposed to work: When any user want to see data about a particular user it's a matter of selecting his name and the data about the selected individual should be the only ones to be shown.
    I got some examples on Google but they all seem not to be working. when I select the column with hyperlink it does not select the values that are similar in the second datagrid. 
    That's why I'm here for help please!
    Here is where I've reached:

    < asp:HyperLinkColumn DataNavigateUrlField="TeamBilling" DataNavigateUrlFormatString="DashBoard.aspx?Billing={0}" HeaderText="Billing" DataTextField="TeamBilling"/>
    I really appriciate all the help.

  • 13 years ago
    Hi  nclauder

    If you use LinkButton rather than Hyperlink and write your code in ItemCommand of Grid & bind your second Grid on selection of Item from First grid. So, you should writed ItemCommand event for first grid. And pass user selected value to your query to bind second grid.

    I wish this will help you to solve your problem.





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