Newbie needs some assistance

  • 13 years ago
    To all that can provide me with some guidance,
    I have a knowledge of visual basic and that it. I am trying to create a database for my organisation and was just wondering whether anyone could assist me with the best direction it could take. Can I create a database program using VB and Access, and then further implement it us SQL to create a web connected database


  • 13 years ago

    If you have Access, you can use it to create and populate your database.

    (VB is not needed for that step.)

    You can use Vb or other tools to create web pages which expose tables , views, or custom forms as web pages.

  • 13 years ago

    <p>You can do all that an more if you utilise distributed queries. Just as long as you base your inteface with OLE DB, you can connect any datasource you like, whether that be Access, SQL, Excel or whatever.</p>

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