Copying a blank Database

  • 12 years ago

    hi all,

    What I am trying to do is:

    - Whenever I create a new company, a new database should be created with the companie's name. i.e. a blank database should be copied.



  • 12 years ago


    Not clear what you are supposed to ask. Could you clarify a little more?





  • 12 years ago

    hi Meeram,

    Overview of my web application:(its a payroll system)

    - Our customer can have more than 1 company to maintain.

    - To start working on the Payroll system(web application) a company has to be created, for which a CompanySetup.aspx form is provided.

    - A customer can have more than 1 company.

    - So whenever a company is created, I want that my database structure should be copied to a new folder(folder name should be company name/ code). so that whenever I intend to work in a particular company........I should be using the relevent database.

    - Now when more than 1 company this case the user will be prompt to select the company and after confirming the user name and password he can start working in that company.

    I hope now u have an idea what I intend to do.




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