Create Dynamic Download Page... Tanzania
  • 12 years ago

    I would like to create a page the has files and asp:buttons next to them that will begin the downloading of a file when clicked.

    I want to do it like any other damn aspx site except I have no clue what the heck to describe

    This is very frustrating because I do know how to research it.  I've tried many ways and no positive results.

    I'd like to specify somewhere in my web app id's and specific properties to my files and then have buttons link to these files resulting in the url being something like:, etc.
    Please Help!


  • 12 years ago


    It isn't hugely clear what you want to achieve.

    Do you want a list of files froma specific directory, with a link to that file for downloading?

    Or do you want to list just specific types of files?  for example, if someone is looking for .doc files, then just .doc files should be shown?



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