Using FedEx Web Service to Calculcate Shipping Cost

  • 12 years ago

    Can anyone point me to an example of an page using FedEx shipping web service to calculate shipping costs?

    I am in the process of modifying a website which is currently using UPS for shipping and we want it to be changed to FedEX.





    Thomas C. Archer

    Web Developer


    [email protected]


  • 12 years ago


    Do Fed Ex provide a web service of this sort?

    if you can point me to their WSDL i will be able to build a page that does it.


    Simon C

  • 12 years ago

    Simon -


    I think I found what I needed.

    Thank you.





  • 12 years ago
    Hi, I need help with integrating FedEx with Paypal. I want to display FedEx shipping charges on the Paypal Order page. i.e. where the amount of the item is displayed, and charge the total sum (of the product amount and the shipping charges) from the customer. Can anybody suggest a site where Paypal and Fed Ex might have been integrated in such a way or where Fed Ex tools might have been used to calculate and charge shipping fees from the customer. Any other approach to achieve the same would be much appreciated. Regards, Gagandeep
  • 11 years ago

    Can you pls give and explain the code for ups web service?

    Actually I want to use usp shipping web service in my application.

    Thanks in advance, Bhora

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