datagrid / gridview grouping

  • 12 years ago

    hi, i'm trying to get a grid to group data horizontally.



     col1 col2 col3

    1       x     y

    1      a     c

    2      a     b


    to be:


    1  x   y

       a    c

    2  a    b


    I've tried using the gridviewhelper class which is great but alas i have buttons which i bind id's to (and then pass these through as commandarguements to another page).

    The first row's button after the group header loses its arguement - thus ruining the page.


    Anyone know any fancy workaround or possible causes?


  • 12 years ago


    When i need to produce output like that, i tend to use grouping sets in oracle to format the SQL output to look like that.

    I am not sure if grouping sets are a standard feature of SQL, but it might be worth looking into



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