I can give you anything but love. There are still three things may of you india guys do wrong (nothing against you, india guys, but many of india newbies do this round&round): you maybe like to use triple click to confirm your posts. Second, much more funny thing is caption of your messages: Hi. Ok, I understand, that at india forums, you all remember who asked what, even if forum looks like this:
Pls help
Ok that is funny part. And the last, you may rather ask in ASP.NET forum, even if it is partly similar language to VB.NET ... but it is your thing in this case, because once you find it impossible to use such mismatched forums...
Do what you think. But please behave a bit more patiently, so if you inspite plan to ask on ASP via VB net forums, please, at least make good captions, which will inform us that it is ASP net datagrid question.
Friendly regards.
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