Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. , , sql server India
  • 12 years ago
    Plz solve my problem code is... singlecourse = Session("singlecourse") ename.Text = singlecourse.CourseName Session("testname") = singlecourse.CourseName Seclist = que.GetSection(singlecourse.CourseCode) Qnolist = que.GetQnumber(singlecourse.CourseCode) Session("totsec") = Seclist Session("totqno") = Qnolist Session("queslist") = queslist t1.Text = Profile.Ttime pos = InStr(t1.Text, ":") h1.Value = t1.Text.Substring(0, pos - 1) 'h2.Value = t1.Text.Substring(pos, 2) h2.Value = Right(t1.Text, t1.Text.Length - pos) End If Else ViewState("qno") = CType(Session("summary"), Integer) Session("summary") = "" summbtn.Visible = True queslist = Session("queslist") ename.Text = Session("testname") t1.Text = Session("etime") pos = InStr(t1.Text, ":") h1.Value = t1.Text.Substring(0, pos - 1) h2.Value = t1.Text.Substring(pos, 2) End If queserial.Text = "Question : " + CType(queslist.Item(ViewState("qno")).QNo, String) & " of " & queslist.Count **(Error : Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index)** aquestion.Text = queslist.Item(ViewState("qno")).Question Regards Kausar

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