Working with frames in c# .net , ajax , India
  • 12 years ago
    i have two frames rightframe and leftframe.In the leftframe i have a clicking on the manu i want to display a page in the rightrame .But before going to that page i wan to make session variable 0.How can i do that. **my leftframe coding which is a aspx file and its inharit the cs file** **code of the aspx file** left
    New Registration
    Modify Registration
    Renew and Upgrade
    **code of cs file** } public void LinkButton1_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { Session["contractorid"] = 0; Response.Redirect("CRegistration.aspx"); } public void LinkButton2_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Redirect("ContractorRegUpdate.aspx"); } now how can i display CRegistration.aspx in the right frame.

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