help--im a newbie , newbie , help , how to start , csharp , visual studio 2005 India
  • 12 years ago
    hello friends and seniors... im new to before this i hav done c,C++ and im comfortable in both of these two languages. now im havin a 6 months trainin on im not gettin how to approach for it.. currently im workin with methew macdonald's book by apress publication.but im able to work this book in a proper manner..thing is in this book various functions or tags etc etc r used without anything tellin abt it..for example for drop down list he uses ispostback without tellin what is this how it is..can u help me how to do means any tutorials or any other book... one more problm is-- the way it writes the source for text box,or button etc etc and the way source code generated while workin with design window..both of them r not same... what is dis?? how can i work with this.. pls help me..thanks... im usin visual studio 2005.

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