Workflow ending in slow environment

windows workflow , , microsoft Coventry, United Kingdom
  • 12 years ago
    Hi, I have a problem in my workflow where the workflow ends when its running in a slow environment. Its a state machine workflow using xoml files. My problem is the following: The client has been facing problems were the workflow ends prematurely. This occurs at random times. After looking into this I found that everytime I debug the application and step through the code the overriden method Cancel of Activity class is entered, hence the workflow ends. When I run the application normally it works fine. So my thinking is when the workflow is ran under a slow environment it somehow enters the Cancel method. Further, I added some Thread.Sleep snippets in the code and ran the app. Again the workflow ends when it shouldn't. So my thinking is when the workflow is ran under a slow environment it somehow enters the Cancel method. Why this happens I do not know. The code was taken from the following sample Does anyone know why it ends? or how I can find out why the Cancel method is entered?

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