Hello to everyone! … Buongiorno a tutti!
I'm writing you from Italy and I'm a new member of this forum, so "Ciao a tutti voi!" translation "Hy to everybody!"...
I've a particular problem and I don’t know if my reasoning is right…
I must create a image’s gallery with the followings features:
The user load with FTP the Root Directory on his site and when he create a new subdirectory enables automatic:
The system must create a new button and a gallery with the images and the names of these take by the subdirectory .
To make this I’ve create two functions that read in the Directory root and in the subdirectory (one for link and one to take the images).
The button and the gallery must be implement by they self at the creation of a new folder…
And… it’s not all!
This gallery must have the thumb (And also for this I’m creating a function that take the thumbs by directory and resize them)
And all must be in a file swf (To make this I’ve write xml code in php… it’s right?)
… I was forgetting the button must be composed with a random image (and I’ve already prepare the function for this) and the link to gallery…
Now the questions….
To pass the random function and the thumb function to action script can I use the xml again? (Is write into the php function files)
And… how can I put together all this information? Always with xml that pass my data to flash?
Please help me because I’m desperate!
It’s right my reasoning or not? I’m a beginner for the web and I'm at my wits' end!
Thanks to all for your patience and greeting from Sicily!
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