how to design a template platform which can be used to create many different pages? , architecture , template Peking, China
  • 11 years ago

    My company need to create many different registration pages for different countries and different systems.

    For different countries the display texts and the fields they need to enter are different. For example,for Canada, it needs to show postal code. And for US,it needs to show zip code.And for US,it needs to have 911 address but for the other countries, the address are different.

    Also for the public user registration,the registration process are splitted into seperate steps in different pages like wizard.And for the company to register a new user,all the sections are shown in the same page.

    When the user choose different options,the sections displayed will be different too.This mean there are links amoung the sections.

    Now we want to develop a platform like system,this system defines all the components that may be used in the registration pages. When there is requirement to create a new registration page, the developers can call APIs from this platform and get the necessary sections to create the new registration page. So the developer dont need to create all those sections from scratch or modify the existing sections as the code would become hardly maintainable in the future.

    The problems and constraints with the design of this platform are 1.Currently i dont have any idea how to design such system.Is there any similiar system or can anyone give some thoughts over it. 2.How to define the sections as small as possible. 3.How the sections interact with each other in the server and client side when one section depends on another.And How one section can use javascript to pass parameters to anther section. 4.We dont want to use user controls due to efficiency issues.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • 11 years ago

    My company need to create many different registration pages for different countries and different systems.

    For different countries the display texts and the fields they need to enter are different. For example,for Canada, it needs to show postal code. And for US,it needs to show zip code.And for US,it needs to have 911 address but for the other countries, the address are different.

    Also for the public user registration,the registration process are splitted into seperate steps in different pages like wizard.And for the company to register a new user,all the sections are shown in the same page.

    When the user choose different options,the sections displayed will be different too.This mean there are links amoung the sections.

    Now we want to develop a platform like system,this system defines all the components that may be used in the registration pages. When there is requirement to create a new registration page, the developers can call APIs from this platform and get the necessary sections to create the new registration page. So the developer dont need to create all those sections from scratch or modify the existing sections as the code would become hardly maintainable in the future.

    The problems and constraints with the design of this platform are 1.Currently i dont have any idea how to design such system.Is there any similiar system or can anyone give some thoughts over it. 2.How to define the sections as small as possible. 3.How the sections interact with each other in the server and client side when one section depends on another.And How one section can use javascript to pass parameters to anther section. 4.We dont want to use user controls due to efficiency issues.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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