New case study - building a web client

Web Client , Visual Basic , Visual WebGui , ASP.NET Jerusalem, Israel
  • 11 years ago

    Overview Talex is an information technologies system integrator. The Company offers complex IT integration, data processing and management solutions. Talex helps companies and organizations retrieve, analyze, store and secure information using advanced technologies and IT solutions. Talex also provides service and maintenance services with the help of its own HelpDesk system - Taldesk.

    Business needs Initially developed as a Windows application (Visual Basic 6), Taldesk soon became one of the most important tools used by Talex. In order to follow the rapid growth of the company and offer top quality services for its customers it soon turned out that Taldesk needed to be available from different locations and browsers without the need to install any plugins or other components.

    The most natural solution was to build a Web Client. Since the team working on the project was mainly Microsoft-technology oriented, the first version was developed with traditional ASP.NET. However, switching to Web-style thinking and development not only took a lot of time and resources but finally resulted in poor functionality and low acceptance from users. As the functionality of the web frontend was mainly used by servicemen in their daily activities such as accessing service incidents, changing their statuses, automatic generation of documents etc. the user experience became very important and crucial for the quality of services.

    As a result a decision was made to re-implement the web client in order to provide a richer, more intuitive and more responsive user interface that could serve about one hundred of concurrent users.

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