Meet the owners of the Trump Network and hear this Life Changing Opportunity

opportunity , time , president , brand , chicago , texas , learn , by Paterson, United States
  • 11 years ago

    If you leave TTN, terminate or otherwise, this is what you could receive if you and your marketer friends stay in touch:

    Grimes & Reese A Professional Company Attorneys and Counselors

    Spencer M. Reese Cell: (208)249-0533 Utah Tel. (801) 745-6362 [email protected] 615 Hoopes Avenue Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401-6106 Tel. (208) 522-2600 Fax: (208) 524-5686

    " RE: The Trump Network

    Dear [name]:

    I represent The Trump Network (“TTN”). TTN has learned that you have acquired contact information for a number of TTN Marketers, and seeking to use TTN’s network as a conduit to market other products or services. Although your Marketer Agreement with TTN has been terminated, you nevertheless remain bound by an ongoing obligation not to use TTN’s confidential information. TTN therefore demands that you immediately stop contacting TTN’s Marketers for any purpose. Should you fail to do so, TTN will institute legal proceedings against you seeking injunctive relief, damages, attorneys fees and costs. This will be the only warning you will receive from TTN.

    This letter is written under full reservation of rights.


    Spencer M. Reese

    cc. Scott Stanwood Eliot Bolan "

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