PHPBB3 v3.0.6 Styles Issue

Php , php development , phpbb , php developer , hire php developer , php development company Anaheim, United States
  • 11 years ago


    I have phpBB3 v3.0.2. I want to upgrade it to v3.0.6. I have few questions that i want to ask first though before upgrading.

    (1) Is the upgrade straight forward like a new install?

    (2) Will the styles i have on with v3.0.2 board be compatible with the new 3.0.6?

    (3) Will it affect my database in anyway?

    (4) Will upgrading make any difference to my index page or the posts as i have on ?

    I have heard a few people have a moan as when they upgraded they lost posts, or members, or can you upload everything except for the index.php?

    Thanks in advance.

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