add delete records United States
  • 18 years ago

    dear ppl
    pls help me add and delete records from access database in using framework.
    i only hav 1 week b4 deadline.pla help

  • 18 years ago

    dewi you need to learn to do this and it's a big subject. You can add/delete records using just a command object or a dataadapter which is more complicated. Unfortunately posting here and asking somebody to write a book for you in a week is a bit hopeful. In any case here's an example:-

    dim conn as SqlConnection
    dim cmd as SqlCommand
    dim sql as string
    conn.connectionstring = [your connections string]
    sql = "insert into table (field1, field2) values (value1, value2)"

       cmd.commandtext = sql
    end try

    My point being if this code raises more questions then a week won't be enough for you to figure this stuff out.

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