Groovy & Grails Queensland

This group is for developers interested in the Groovy programming language and the Grails Web framework (as well as other Gr-Frameworks such as Griffon). All levels welcome.

Events coming up

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Past events

  • Tim Cummings: Apple WebObjects and Project Wonder

    Mon, 30 Jul 2012, 02:00 - 05:00 in Spring Hill, Australia

    Apple's WebObjects (essentially free/open source) and Project Wonder (free/open source) are collections of Java frameworks which provide html templating (similar to Tapestry) database abstraction (similar to Hibernate or Cayenne), and a deployment environment. You can choose to use all of these features or just the one's you want. Development uses the Eclipse IDE with the WOLips plug in. Apple's licence says their software is free for deployment anywhere (Mac, Linux, Windows etc)

  • Steve Dalton: Update from APOUC meeting

    Mon, 28 May 2012, 02:00 - 05:00 in Spring Hill, Australia

    I recently attended the APOUC (Asia Pacific Oracle Users Community) meeting in Shanghai. In this meetup I will give a summary of what happened at the meeting and my feeling of how Java is developing under the stewardship of Oracle. I'll leave plenty of time for questions at the end and any questions I can't answer, I team happy to refer these back to Oracle now that there is a reasonably good communication channel for us to ask questions of the core Java team.

  • Brisbane Lunchtime meetup: Messaging With Bunnies (RabbitMQ)

    Mon, 30 Jan 2012, 02:00 - 04:00 in Spring Hill, Australia

    Steve is going to give the talk he gave at OSDC 2011 about RabbitMQ.RabbitMQ is an open source message broker, using the standard Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP). It’s writen in Erlang and is built on the Open Telecom Platform framework.Since being aquired last year by SpringSource it has gained particular popularity in the Java community due to it’s robustness, APIs and flexibility.

  • Messaging With Bunnies: RabbitMQ. Steve Dalton

    Mon, 28 Nov 2011, 02:00 - 04:00 in Spring Hill, Australia

    No-one came forward for a talk this month so Steve is happy to do the RabbitMQ talk that he did at OSDC if there is enough interest. Happy to step aside if another talk comes up in the next few hours, we can also cancel if there is not enough interest. We'll leave it to the RSVPs!

  • Lightweight Java Game Library (LWJGL) - Tom Lee

    Mon, 26 Sep 2011, 02:00 - 04:00 in Spring Hill, Australia

    About the SpeakerTom is a software developer, programming language enthusiast and speaker from Brisbane, Australia. His more interesting contributions to the software world include the try/except/finally syntax for CPython, the jazz template engine for nodejs and most recently the beginnings of autoboxing support for Mirah. Tom has had a long-standing interest in graphics/media APIs like OpenGL and DirectX.

  • Spring wiring at run time -- Ben Morgan

    Tue, 13 Sep 2011, 07:00 - 09:00 in Brisbane, Australia

    Part of an application I've worked on involved the need to be able to configure functionality at run time. Due to the structure of the application we needed to do this through configuration of a Spring application context. The solution we arrived at configures the wiring of the beans when the application starts which also enabled us to use it as mechanism to add 'plug in' functionality to our application.

  • Evening meetup at Oracle HQ

    Tue, 12 Apr 2011, 07:00 - 09:00 in Brisbane, Australia

    For this initial meeting, Anthony will provide a short 20 min introduction of different types of frameworks to provide some structure.  Then it will be great to get different people's experiences from the floor.  Should get some good discussions going.If people could provide some samples, slides etc. for a 10 min slot on their favorite framework that would be good.  The focus should be on what makes it better than the others.Arrive at 5pm for a 5:30 start.

  • 10 minute lightning talks

    Mon, 28 Mar 2011, 02:00 - 04:00 in Spring Hill, Australia

    Slots: *12:00 - 12:10: Steve Dalton - Android Maven plugin *12:10 - 12:20: Craig Aspinall - Scala *12:20 - 12:30: Alistair Sutton - Jmeter (+ integration into Hudson) *12:30 - 12:40: Andrew Newman - Elastic Search *12:40 - 12:50: Craig Aspinall - Clojure *12:50 - 1:00:If you have anything, please send it over and l'll put it in the list.

  • (Re-) Introduction to Groovy

    Mon, 28 Feb 2011, 02:00 - 04:00 in Spring Hill, Australia

    I'm happy to present for an hour on what makes Groovy different to Java and what I've learned in my use of Groovy over the past few months, and why you might want to consider using it yourself!I'll probably try to cover topics like:- dynamic typing- collections- closures- builders- domain specific languages- calling Java from Groovy- calling Groovy from Java- meta classes- missing methods/properties- Groovy SQL- testing and Groovy assertions

  • Regular Lunch-hour Meetup in Brisbane

    Mon, 28 Feb 2011, 02:00 - 04:00 in Brisbane, Australia

    <p>Our regular meeting spot - will fill in details closer to the time.</p

  • GGQ: Functional Programming with Groovy

    Mon, 28 Jun 2010, 02:00 - 04:00 in Brisbane, Australia

    Functional programming is all the rage at the moment. A lot of people might not realise that you can do functional programming in Groovy.As Groovy runs on the JVM it's also pretty easy to intergrate seamlessly with other languages languages Scala and Clojure.This session is an open session - we can do Lightning talks or just have a general discussion - I'll leave it up to you guys.

  • GGQ: GPars Concurrency Framework - Paul King

    Mon, 24 May 2010, 02:00 - 04:00 in Spring Hill, Australia

    This month will be a full hour talk dedicated to the GPars (Pronounced "geepers") Concurrency framework.If you don't know what Gpars is, here is an excerpt from Gpars documentation.The world of mainstream computing is changing rapidly these days. If you open the hood and look under the covers of your computer, you'll most likely see a dual-core processor there. Or a quad-core, if you're lucky enough. We all run our software on multi-processors.

  • BJUG: GWT/GXT libraries by Geoff Elgey

    Mon, 10 May 2010, 08:00 - 10:00 in Brisbane, Australia

    Geoff Elgey will talk about the software being developed by Quest, which does some interesting things with the GWT/GXT libraries on the graphical side and some interesting asynchronous things involving comet on the server side, as well as experiences with developing java apps for a javascript world (e.g. how we implemented crypto for javascript

  • February Meetup

    Mon, 22 Feb 2010, 02:00 - 04:00 in Spring Hill, Australia


  • Grails in the Cloud - Grails 1.2, Cloud Foundry & Gaelyk

    Mon, 25 Jan 2010, 02:00 - 04:00 in Spring Hill, Australia

    This month has a distinctive Cloudy feel to it.- Grails 1.2 walk-through (+ intro to our new site that we've been working on) - Lee Butts- Using Grails with Amazon EC2 & Cloud Foundry - Steve Dalton- Gaelyk & Google App Engine

  • Groovy BOF at Open Source Developers' Conference (OSDC)

    Wed, 25 Nov 2009, 09:00 - 11:00 in Spring Hill, Australia

    We are organising a Groovy BOF(Birds of a feather) to be held at the Open Source Developers' Conference in Brisbane. Watch this space for more info. I am told the dinner is on Thursday night - which makes the BOF sessions on Wednesday, preceding all the Groovy/Grails talks on Thursday. Please note - you MUST be registered to attend the conference to attend the BOF. To register please go to

  • Planning meeting for OSDC

    Mon, 23 Nov 2009, 02:00 - 04:00 in Brisbane, Australia

    Just a casual meeting next month to plan for OSDC which is happening on the Wednesday of the same week. We need to get together to discuss what we do at the BOF on the Wednesday and also any ideas on how to grow the Groovy community in general are welcome.

  • Magical Mystery Meetup

    Mon, 26 Oct 2009, 02:00 - 04:00 in Spring Hill, Australia

    TBD... we might do lightning talks... or maybe something else... who knows.... currently - it's a mystery!

  • Lightning Talks #2

    Wed, 15 Jul 2009, 02:00 - 04:00 in Brisbane, Australia

    Basic format of Lightning talks sessions are 3 talks of 15 mins each. Talks are the following rough topics:1. Some Groovy/Grails internals/community2. Real world applications of Gr83. A plugin or demo of something new that someone is working on

  • Lightning Talks

    Mon, 15 Jun 2009, 02:00 - 04:00 in Brisbane, Australia

    Basic format of Lightning talks sessions are 3 talks of 15 mins each. Talks are the following rough topics:1. Some Groovy/Grails internals/community thing2. Real world applications of Gr8 tech3. Some sort of plugin or demo of something new that one of us is working on.For this meetup the presenters are:1. Paul King - Groovy roadmap2. Randall Dietz - His current Grails site3. Lee Butts - Intro to Grails plugins and some plugins that he's been working on.

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