Are you passionate about creating great online and mobile user experiences? If you're based in Northern Virginia or the DC metro area come join us to participate in talks about user experience design and networking opportunities. Meetups will be held at AddThis headquarters in the McLean/Tyson's Corner area starting later this summer.

Events coming up

We don't have any upcoming events for this user group. Do you know this group? If so, why not submit a future event? We also support iCal, EventBrite and Meetup feeds.

Past events

  • NoVA UX August Meetup

    16-17 Aug 2012 in McLean, United States

    This will be our first full meetup at the new AddThis HQ. I'm still working out our first speaker, but since everyone's busy enjoying their summer let's pick a date for our first get-together.Agenda:6:30-7:00: Refreshments7:00-7:15: Introductions7:15-8:00: Speaker TBD, Q&A8:00-8:15: Announcements8:15-9:00: NetworkingBeverages will be provided by AddThis, and our food sponsor will be WillowTree Apps.

  • NoVA UX July Meetup: Eye-track your designs

    19-20 Jul 2012 in McLean, United States

    For our July meetup Jon West of LC Technologies will talk about eye tracking, demonstrate LC Technologies' eye tracking solutions, and allow participants to try out the tech ourselves and test a few of our own designs.Meetup space kindly provided by InSigma Technologies, provided by InSigma and AddThis.Agenda:6:30pm- meet and greet7:00pm- announcements & introductions7:10pm- Jon West of LC Technologies presents, followed by hands-on demos

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“C++: an octopus made by nailing extra legs onto a dog.” - Steve Taylor