This sessions will demonstrate penetration testing for the developer. We will utilise proven tools to hack/penetrate an HP Rackmount server (Owned by Joel) that has an existing website on it. All tenets of penetration testing will be demonstrated. From reconnaissance to payloads and defence. The take away is the realisation that you should own these tools to perform weekly penetration tests on your own sites. If you aren't testing yourself then you aren't keeping up.
Tools/Techniques that will be showcased:
a) Metasploit
b) BackTrack Linux
c) Samurai WTF
d) Nessus
e) Social Engineering Toolkit (SET)
f) Cain and Abel / Brutus
H) DNS Poisoning
I) and more...
If you are a web developer specializing in ASP.Net this is a must see presentation. It will open your eyes to a whole new dimension.
Although a professional PenTester should verify your site from time to time. You should do your own Pen Tests on a weekly basis.
Speaker Bio:
Joel Hebert is a Software Architect who resides in Ottawa. He is passionate about Security and Architecture. He is a five time ASP.Net MVP and is one of the User Group Leaders in Ottawa. He would like to share his knowledge of hacking, penetration testing and continuous audit with you to allow you to think about the modern attack vectors that are present.