jQuery Training & Events in United Kingdom
Intro to Angular JS - Hereford, United Kingdom
happened 7 years ago
Organised by NxtGenUG
George Adamson comes up to Hereford to deep dive into Angular JS. An accomplished front-end dev, design architect and UX evangelist, George has tackled apps and web sites ranging from Dyson to Doctor Who, getting immersed in all aspects of Information Architecture, Interaction Design and Ideation. He strives to edge clients towards Institutional Usability. From time to time George pops off to speak at conferences and user groups, typically on jQuery, Advanced JS shenanigans, Responsive We.
Designers & Developers Fiesta - London, United Kingdom
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Academy Class
Are you looking to hone your skills at little cost? Or maybe post recession you are looking for that much needed career boost in the Creative world but don’t know where to start?
Scott Hanselman: Mobile Web - Edinburgh, United Kingdom
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Scottish Developers
Mobile WebMobile traffic on the web is exploding. Are you ready? ASP.NET MVC 4 includes new mobile-friendly templates, a focus on responsive design as well as dedicated mobile templates that leverage jQuery and jQuery mobile.Scott Hanselman will show you what you can do today and tomorrow to make your site friendly on a mobile device. When should your mobile site become a mobile application?
An introduction to backbone.js - Bristol, United Kingdom
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Southville JS
jQuery is great, isn't it?Up to a point. Google Web Toolkit may not have been the silver bullet but your sites will and are behaving more like native apps.jQuery and friends don't offer any real structure out of the box, so we have a new breed of MV* type frameworks to fill the gap.Welcome backbone.js and Rick Hurst of Potato.Swiftly followed by a lightning talk on Weinre by SimpleWeb's very own Adam Butler.
May 2012 Meetup - Adobe Dreamweaver CS6.0 - , United Kingdom
happened 8 years ago
Organised by The London Dreamweaver Meetup Group
Bell & Compass is now called Cafe Rouge. Meetup at the entrance. Charing Cross Tube Station Exit 2.0.To buy Dreamweaver follow or click onto the next link ----- >>> Adobe Dreamweaver CS6Dreamweaver Salary Trend. Start 7pm - Meetup then walk up to StarBucksDrinks 7pm - till you know your limit. Starbuck strongest is Coffee black!Informal - 8pm - 8.30pm (small-talk) then openProposed small-talk:What's New in Dreamweaver CS6
#SNOWCODE 2012 ( Node.JS and Javascript un/conference) 18th March 2012 - Cambridge, United Kingdom
happened 8 years ago
Organised by snowcode
SnowCode has moved to www.Camdug.com, and is now an official CAMDUG event : SnowCode 2012 is now officially open for booking! please visit Camdug.com for more information about this conference, the venue and to book.keep chilling!cheers,Alan and Cathy
Online Monthly Prize Draw: Packt Publishing - There will be no physical meetup, United Kingdom
happened 9 years ago
Organised by LJC - London Java Community
Please note this is an online monthly prize draw and no actual meeting will take place.Packt Publishing are a unique publishing company specializing in highly focused books on specific technologies and solutions - please visit their site to find out more about them: www.packtpub.comEach month we run a promotion with Packt in which GDC members will be selected at random to receive free books. This month we are offering 2 GDC members the chance to win
London Ajax User Group Meetup: MooTools, Dojo, jQuery, and PhoneGap - London, United Kingdom
happened 9 years ago
Organised by London Ajax User Group
Note: Skills Matter is sponsoring the venue for the event. Please also RSVP at their site for this event.The September London Ajax User Group is coming soon. The topic is MooTools, Dojo, jQuery, and PhoneGap.Schedule:18:00: Meet & Greet18:20: Introduction18:30: jQuery and the Missing Mobile Link (PhoneGap), by Mark Drew19:15: Developing with MooTools and Dojo, by David Walsh20:00: PubThe event is also kindly sponsored by
The Stack - Liverpool .NET User Group - August 2011 - Liverpool, United Kingdom
happened 9 years ago
Organised by The Stack
The Stack is a monthly .NET User Group supported by Mando Group in Liverpool. The user group is totally free and is a place where developers from in and around Liverpool and the North West of the UK can get together, hear some great speakers and chat about the latest developments in the .NET world.We are now up to our 3rd session and we have two excellent speakers lined up for you;One-Pot MVC: Deliciously Extensible with Matt Salmon
jQuery Templates - Warrington, United Kingdom
happened 9 years ago
Organised by NxtGenUG
George Adamson brings his hectic comedy style up norf to talk about jQuery templates.
London .NET User Group : Restoring sanity to JavaScript development - London, United Kingdom
happened 9 years ago
Are you building rich web applications with JavaScript? Have a few simple jQuery plugins grown into a disorganized mess of files? Correctly structuring your client-side code is just as important as it is on the server-side. Andrew Davey will be giving a talk for the London .NET User Group, come learn about tools and techniques you can use to restore sanity to JavaScript development.
jQuery Manchester Meetup - Manchester , United Kingdom
happened 9 years ago
Organised by The jQuery Manchester meetup
The jQuery Manchester meetup returns to the MadLab on the 10th May 2011. We have two great speakers lined up for you this evening.Firstly, we have Paul Jackson talking from a designers perspective on where CSS stops and where jQuery begins. He'll be going beyond :hover and :active and also look at how you can gracefully degrade the experience for users who don't have Javascript enabled. Paul is a web designer, currently working for a communications agency in Congleton.
Online Monthly Prize Draw: Packt Publishing - There will be no physical meetup, United Kingdom
happened 9 years ago
Organised by LJC - London Java Community
Please note this is an online monthly prize draw and no actual meeting will take place.Packt Publishing are a unique publishing company specializing in highly focused books on specific technologies and solutions - please visit their site to find out more about them: www.packtpub.comEach month we run a promotion with Packt in which LJC members will be selected at random to receive free books. This month we are offering 2 LJC members the chance to win
jQuery Manchester Meetup - Manchester , United Kingdom
happened 10 years ago
Organised by The jQuery Manchester meetup
Okay, we're going to dive straight into the coding for this meetup. I'm going to be doing a live coding session on some useful jQuery navigation techniques. I will either be doing a screencast or writing it up in a blog post following the night. Source code will be available either way.There will also be a talk from DJ Adams on JSON involving a short introduction to JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) and its cousin JSONP, in the context of retrieving JSON data with the jQuery AJAX functions.
What's new in ASP.NET MVC 2.0 & 3.0 - Glasgow, United Kingdom
happened 10 years ago
Organised by Scottish Developers
We're back! It's been a while since our last event but after an unexpected hiatus, we have resumed our regular evening sessions.The TalkASP.NET MVC has been making waves over the past 2 years within the ASP.NET community and quite rightly so with features such as promoting separation of concerns, strongly typed views and a great routing system but it doesn't stop there. ASP.NET MVC 2.
Get going with jQuery - Hereford, United Kingdom
happened 10 years ago
Organised by NxtGenUG
Hereford are really pleased to welcome George Adamson who arrives tonight buzzing with a love of jQuery. You've probably heard about it, maybe used it, and George is a real enthusiast and he's here to tell you all about it. We'll have Pizza of course lots of swag and a member nugget...Praise for George;'Great session, George is a highly amusing, informative and engaging speaker!' 9 out of 9'Wow. George was excellent. Funny, interesting, good pace, lots of really great info. An absolutely
VBUG Newcastle:Getting Started with jQuery - Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
happened 10 years ago
Organised by VBUG
George Adamson will be providing an introduction to jQuery, and showing you how to take advantage of this powerful library in your Web applications.
I've Got A Little jQuery ... - Birmingham, United Kingdom
happened 10 years ago
Organised by NxtGenUG
Brimingham are really pleased to welcome George Adamson who arrives tonight buzzing with a love of jQuery. You've probably heard about it, maybe used it, and George is a real enthusiast and he's here to tell you all about it. We'll have Pizza of course some swag (maybe uber swag ...) a member nugget from first time Nuggetteer Simon Stevens and the usual chit-chat
Getting to grips with... jQuery - Coventry, United Kingdom
happened 10 years ago
Bring a laptop and learn how to use JQuery, this event is aimed at anybody who would like to get to know jQuery better.jQuery is a fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development. designed to change the way that you write JavaScript.
VBUG Portsmouth: Getting Started with jQuery - Fareham, Hampshire, United Kingdom
happened 10 years ago
Organised by VBUG
Getting started with jQueryGeorge Adamson will be providing an introduction to jQuery, and showing you how to take advantage of this powerful libr
VBUG Bracknell: Get going with jQuery - Bracknell, United Kingdom
happened 10 years ago
Organised by VBUG
Join us in Bracknell in June where George Adamson will be giving a fast paced introduction to jQuery and all it's cross-browser loveliness: Applying j
VBUG4Thought Spring Conference Birmingham - Warwickshire, United Kingdom
happened 10 years ago
Organised by VBUG
With the imminent release of Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and the .Net framework 4, VBUG announces VBUG4Thought, a spring conference to help to celeb
Web Application Testing With Selenium - Dundee, United Kingdom
happened 10 years ago
Organised by Scottish Developers
The TalkTesting is a fundamental part of the development process regardless of how you approach it however GUI's have always been trickier to test and web based UI's are some of the hardest. JavaScript, AJAX and browser compatibility are all things that make web UI functionality quite difficult and time consuming to test properly.Enter Selenium, a web application testing framework which makes the creation and automation of complex web user interface tests a joy.
EdgeUG: March jQuery and Velocity - London, United Kingdom
happened 10 years ago
Organised by Edge User Group
Our third event of the year is as strong as ever!First up George Adamson  will be walking us through a fast paced introduction to jQuery and all it's cross-browser loveliness! Topics will include the CSS selector syntax, binding, handling events, effects, plugins and ajax! A subject of particular interest to those developers looking to work on new ASP.Net projects now that jQuery comes bundled with Visual Studio!
Hull Digital Developer Group - First MeetUp! - Hull, United Kingdom
happened 11 years ago
Organised by Hull Digital / Hull Open Coffee
Welcome to the first Hull Digital Developer Group! :-) The group is open to anyone wanting to learn and discuss development technologies and techniques. Whether you are a back-end or front-end developer, run a development shop, are a student, or simply a development enthusiast, this group will be for you. Developers involved in the group should be open minded and not be closed to non-mainstream ideas.
Web Application Testing With Selenium - Glasgow, United Kingdom
happened 11 years ago
Organised by Scottish Developers
The TalkTesting is a fundamental part of the development process regardless of how you approach it however GUI's have always been trickier to test and web based UI's are some of the hardest. JavaScript, AJAX and browser compatibility are all things that make web UI functionality quite difficult and time consuming to test. Enter Selenium, a web application testing framework which makes the creation and automation of complex web user interface tests a joy.
VBUG London: Getting started with jQuery - London, United Kingdom
happened 11 years ago
Organised by VBUG
Getting started with jQueryGeorge Adamson will be providing an introduction to jQuery, and showing you how to take advantage of this powerful libr
Core Ajax: Enterprise Web Development with Ajax - London, United Kingdom
happened 11 years ago
This intensive, 4-day Core Ajax training course teaches a scalable way of writing robust, user-friendly and secure Ajax solutions for the Enterprise.We will start by introducing Ajax from a business, design and coding perspective. We will then l...
Developer Day Scotland 2009 - Glasgow, United Kingdom
happened 11 years ago
Organised by Scottish Developers
About Developer Day Scotland Developer Day Scotland (DDS) is a community event, run by community for community, which is based upon the highly successful Developer! Developer! Developer! (DDD) community conference events. Scottish Developers is pleased to bring this phenomenal success to Scotland once again. The very best of the UK speaker community will be presenting on the topics delegates wish to see. Highlights of Developer Day Scotland Listed below are some of the key highlights of the...
GL.net April Meeting - GLOUCESTER, United Kingdom
happened 11 years ago
Organised by GL.net - Gloucester .NET User Group
Sebastien Lambla about agile development going bad and George Adamson with pre-DDD talk about jQuery.
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