Open Source Tutorials & Articles
Dialog Box Control Management
by Joseph M. NewcomerWhy you should never call EnableWindow or other such calls except in one central place. Think of control enabling as a set of constraint equations. Much easier to maintain if the computations are centralized. Find out how I do it, and why I think this is a good way to do it.
Avoiding UpdateData
by Joseph M. NewcomerWhy you should never call UpdateData yourself
Avoiding GetDlgItem in MFC
by Joseph M. NewcomerMy view: If you're writing more than one GetDlgItem per year, you're probably not using MFC correctly. Find out why, and what to do about it.
A Checksum Algorithm
by Joseph M. NewcomerHistorically, checksums have been used to increase data transmission reliability, whether from a serial line or network, tape drive, or disk drive, among the many data sources that require reliability checking. However, checksums have other uses, such as in dialog box change-state maintenance, docum
String Concatenation Component
by Michael BalloniAn efficient string concatenation component to replace VBScript's poor performance.
Using Optional Parameters in VBScript
by Michael BalloniA nifty way to use optional parameters in VBScript, getting around the lack of an 'Optional' keyword.
Implementing a template based website
by James CrowleyHow to implement your own template based web site using php
VB 6 Tutorial
by James CrowleyCompletely new to Visual Basic? Overwhelmed with the confusing instructions? Read this tutorial and get a head start - learn what VB is, what you can do with it, how much it costs, and how to get star
Visual Studio Next Generation: Language Enhancements
by MicrosoftFind out about all the great enhancements in Visual Studio.NET
Oracle8 and Oracle8i
by Wrox PressHow to access Oracle 8 and Oracle8i databases... A sample chapter from the book 'ASP Data Access'
New Object-Oriented Capabilities in VB.NET
by Wrox PressA sample chapter from the Wrox book, VB.NET Programming.
For...Next statement
by James CrowleyHow to use the For...Next statement to loop through code a certain number of times.
SocketWrench Control
by Catalyst DevelopmentHow to use the SocketWrench control for Windows socket (TCP/IP) programming
Enum Windows & SendMessage API
by Muhammad AbubakarA new tutorial from Muhammad abubakar on these two essential API functions, allowing you to enumerate all the open windows, and reveal hidden control properties.
Creating HTML Help
by James CrowleyHow to create HTML Help files with help files and images, an index, contents, and a search facility, and add it to your application.
VB Editions
by James CrowleyThis tutorial describes the different versions and editions of VB available, and what you can do with them.
by James CrowleyThis tutorial shows you how to 'subclass' in VB, getting events directly from windows rather than through VB, giving you more control, and hundreds of new events, opening up a whole range of possibili
by James CrowleyEverything you ever wanted to know about variables.. Declaring, getting, setting, objects, UDTs, ByRef and ByVal. What more could you want?
What is Visual Basic?
by James CrowleyFind out about VB's roots, what it is exactly, and other VB issues.