Running Code within Text
The title doesn't make much sense but i didn't know what to title it.
I am trying to run some code within html text
Here is an example
Code: <B>This HTML is included</B>
If A = B Then
<I>Some HTML</I>ElseIf A = 0 Then
<I>Some More HTML</I>Else
<I>Some More HTML for elseEnd If
I want to be able to run the code on the lines that start with the harsh (#) and include the html that is between the bits of code.
Thanks for your help -
Are you trying to develop a web server engine here?
No, not really, i just want a few basic features for my themes for my web site -
then, shouldn't this be ASP??
17 years agoby
Colin Harman MACITP
West Sussex, England, AustraliaJoined 19 years agois this program running within a vb program and outputting some text? or is it actually wanting to work within a webpage if so like what jacky_cheecheo said use asp and the tags <% if blah blah %>
It runs in VB and outputs the html. I was looking at trying to use ASP code in vb but i haven't found a way.
I tried the execute function in asp to see how it works, but it only works with the code not including the html and the asp tags; Also i don't know how i would call it through vb.
If you have any ideas then please tell me.
Thanks for your time -
17 years agoby
Colin Harman MACITP
West Sussex, England, AustraliaJoined 19 years agostill kinda confused a little, so your just trying a simple if else statement in vb and wanting to export the html depending on the situation in , are u exporting to a file, as the if statment is right well without the #, save the data to a string like
StringHTML = "<html>" & vbnewline & "<body>"
if A= A THEN
StringHTML = StringHTML & "<B>ITS A</B>"
StringHTML = StringHTML & "<B>NOOO A'S</B>"
end if
StringHTML = "StringHTML & VBNEWLINE & "</body>" & vbnewline & "</html>"
'//SAVE TO TEXT FILE THE StringHTML and launch via shell if wanted to see it working -
That is sorta what i want. I remember there being an eval function somewhere, i might be in the scripting control. I am feeding the html down to the browser from a server, but i am not making a web server it is a web portal that runs in IIS and i want some more control over what is given to the visitor.
I would have liked it to have more features but i think that asp engine would slow it down anyway.
If you know how i would do it if there was a string named SiteHTML how would i process the code. I would use either InStr or Left to find the # in the lines and then how would i execute the code?
Thanks for all your help -
correct me if i'm wrong, i think this can be done in the .asp file itself. SInce you're feeding your program with a html file from a webserver, then shouldn't the webserver process the codes (asp) and then your program just load the html streams? -
Good idea but it will not work. I am making a Tier-2 component. The ASP page calls the Tier-2 component and gets the page so i cannot get the asp page to execute the code. Any other ideas?
Thanks -
I am just moving this topic back to the main page because i still need help with it.
If you don't understand what i am trying to do then please ask.
a simple explaination is to have If statements executed within html.
Code: <B>This HTML is always included</B>
#If A = B Then
<I>Some HTML if A = B</I>
<I>Some HTML if A <> B
#End If
Please help. Post any ideas you might have, Thanks -
17 years agoby
Colin Harman MACITP
West Sussex, England, AustraliaJoined 19 years agoIF its within the html page then it needs to be done with asp or php, like in asp
StringHTML = "<html>" & vbnewline & "<body>"
<% if A= A THEN
StringHTML = StringHTML & "<B>ITS A</B>"
StringHTML = StringHTML & "<B>NOOO A'S</B>"
end if %>
StringHTML = "StringHTML & VBNEWLINE & "</body>" & vbnewline & "</html>"
I am not making a web page. If I was i would ask in the ASP board, i know heaps about asp anyway.
I will explain it more because people are still not understanding.
Also there was an error in the code you provided rollershade on the last line, it has an double quote when it should be there at the start and also you should be putting vbNewLine after all the lines.
Say a wanted to execute a html page with some code in it (refer to my last post) and save this to a text file from a VB app. How would i achieve this. I think that everyone is getting confused whether i wanted a web page or was it in vb.
If you still don't understand then please state what part you don't understand. Thanks. -
that might still be confusing
I am not doing this but say i was making an email sender and it allowed you to put code into the email and the email sender would process it before it would send it out. If the email was as follows how would the email sender execute the code before it sent it.
Code: -
17 years agoby
Colin Harman MACITP
West Sussex, England, AustraliaJoined 19 years agoAHH I THINK IM ON URE WAVE LENGTH Now (doh caps sorry) , u have a html page sya blah.htm now u open it in vb and want to process the vb contents thats in the file and ouput the right results to the file before sending it out or executing it. Is this right? well id say ud have to interpret the contents, ie first find the <% tag and end tag %> then get the contents in a string, u cannot or i havnt seen i should say vb code get executed from a string but if u find it let me know. The easiest would be to make ure own values instead of if else, say u wanted to know if it was a or b make ure app look forthe word
then Or now it can find the word after Word= AND THE wORD after Or so the string u have extracted from the html file was
<% Word=John/Or=Peter/ %>
now in the vb part it would look for the word after word= note the / interperate it as the end of the word, then it retrieves the word after Or= NOW MAKE COMPARISON AS U LIKE, 9doh caps againg) and output the results into the new file or however. -
It seems that you are now on the same brain wave length. Good i don't have a non-human brian, lol.
I would prefer to use simple BASIC syntax because themes with this stuff will be made by many people and i want to keep it simple. So the format with If, ElseIf, Else and End If would be heaps better.
You can execute vbscript code using the scripting control.
I was trying to use it but it only executes code so i don't know how i would execute the html w/ code. Unless i modified the html parts to:
sHTML = sHTML & vbNewLine & Replace(sHTMLLine,"""","""""")
and the lines starting with the harsh (#) i could run the code from them.
I think that the scripting control or reference would slow the site down because it would be executed on every page for every visitor and for every refresh. But it would give more power.
If you have another idea then please post it, Thanks -
actually the code would be
Code: '// Make a reference to the control with sHTML
If Left(sLine,1) = "#" Then
sHTML = sHTML & vbNewLine & Mid(sLine,2,Len(sLine) - 1)
sHTML = sHTML & vbNewLine & "sHTML = """ & Replace(sHTMLLine,"""","""""") & """"
End If
'// Execute sHTML with scripting control -
17 years agoby
Colin Harman MACITP
West Sussex, England, AustraliaJoined 19 years agoill take a look at the scripting control tonight when i get home
'Good i don't have a non-human brian, lol.' ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh -
Thanks for all your help, i played around with the scripting control and have made it work. But the only problem is that you cannot create a sub procedure called 'Write' because it is a vb function.
I wanted to make 'Response.Write' because i made a reference to a class for use in the scripting but i have used 'Response.WriteHTML'. If you think it should be something else then please let me know. Because web masters and theme developers will be using it i would like to make it as close to ClassicASP as possible so if you think it should be something other than 'WriteHTML' then please post.
Thanks for all your time
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