Custom Printer Object???

  • 19 years ago

    I need to automatically pick a printer (whihc probably will not be the default), set several properties for that printer, and then display the Print Dialog box with the properties set above so the user can either click OK to send the document, OR change the printer to somethign else and set their own properties. The program should do the following. open up a pdf document, initiate the print dialog box, set the printer to an HP LaerJet 4100TN, set copies=2, select properties and set the 'Type is' property to Plain or Labels, and then return to the standard Print Dialog where the user can press OK. Is this possible? I tried using the standard Printer object, but it does not allow me access to all the properties I need access to. AND I don;t know how to make the property changes display in the Print Dialog box. Can anyone help? I am a new user of VB!

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