skinning your application

  • 15 years ago

    is bitblt the only API you can use to skin your apps? or is there other means to make your apps look better... I been working on making utilities for the Call of Duty Series and just getting tired on the same look over and over again...

    Is there a tutorial that accually teaches you how to skin the whole interface?


  • 15 years ago

    I have a couple of shareware activeX controls that make skinning very easy.

  • 15 years ago

    [1]Posted by Monarch819 on 19 Dec 2005 06:45 PM[/1]
    I have a couple of shareware activeX controls that make skinning very easy.

    could you be able to part with them ? hehe

    you can send them to [email protected]

    And could  you provide information on the proper installation on the ActiveX in the email?


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