Inserting Strings
Ok i have some code for you all to take a look at... everything works except one part
Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To 1
With sBill
' FX Configuration
.alias = txtAlias.Text
.alias1 = txtAliasOne.Text
.alias2 = txtAliasTwo.Text
.alias3 = txtAliasThree.Text
.pathfx = txtPath.Text
.pathfx1 = txtPathFx.Text
.effect = lblEffect.Caption
.effect1 = lblEffect1.Caption
.loadfx = lblLoadfx.Caption
.loadfx1 = lblLoadfx1.Caption
.maps = lblMaps.Caption
.maps1 = lblMaps1.Caption
.x = txtX.Text
.x1 = txtXone.Text
.y = txtY.Text
.y2 = txtYtwo.Text
.z = txtZ.Text
.z3 = txtZthree.Text
.waitT = txtWait.Text
.waitV = txtWaitFx.Text
End With
i = i + 1
'Label2.Caption = sBill.sHead
Text12.Text = Text12.Text & sBill.sEfx
Next i
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
With sBill
' setCullFog - ambientPlay - maps\mp\_load::main();
.Ambient = cboAmbient.Text
.sCF = lblScf.Caption
.mMP = Label15.Caption
.mp = Label3.Caption
.a = Text5.Text
.b = Text7.Text
.c = Text8.Text
.d = Text9.Text
.e = Text10.Text
.f = Text11.Text
' Setup Files
.sMain = txtMain.Text
.game = game
.soldierT = cboSoldier.Text
.soldierV = cboSoldierV.Text
.weather = cboWeather.Text
.division = cboDivision.Text
.germanT = cboGerman.Text
.germanV = cboG_Sold_Var.Text
.germanD = cboG_Division.Text
.germanW = cboG_Weather.Text
.allies = CboAllies.Text
.defenders = Text4.Text
.attackers = Text2.Text
.defender1 = Text3.Text
.defenders = Text4.Text
.axis = Text6.Text
.attackers1 = Text1.Text
.allies1 = Text2.Text
.axis1 = Text4.Text
.layoutimage = "layoutimage"
.layout1 = txtLayoutImage.Text
End With
Text12.Text = Text12.Text & sBill.sHead
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
' Clear the Combo Boxes
cboAmbient.Text = ""
cboSoldier.Text = ""
cboSoldierV.Text = ""
cboWeather.Text = ""
cboDivision.Text = ""
cboG_Weather.Text = ""
cboG_Sold_Var.Text = ""
cboG_Division.Text = ""
cboGerman.Text = ""
CboAllies.Text = ""
txtLayoutImage.Text = ""
' Ambient Types
With cboAmbient
.AddItem "ambient_mp_berlin"
.AddItem "ambient_mp_brecourt"
.AddItem "ambient_mp_burnville"
.AddItem "ambient_mp_chateau"
.AddItem "ambient_mp_dam"
.AddItem "ambient_mp_factory"
.AddItem "ambient_mp_harbor"
.AddItem "ambient_mp_night"
.AddItem "ambient_mp_ocean"
.AddItem "ambient_mp_pegasusnight"
.AddItem "ambient_mp_powcamp"
.AddItem "ambient_mp_sewer"
.AddItem "ambient_mp_ship"
.AddItem "ambient_mp_snowy"
.AddItem "ambient_mp_staligrad"
.AddItem "ambient_mp_training"
End With
' sBill to setup the combo Text files to the strings
' soldier ComboBox Setup
With cboSoldier
.AddItem "american_soldier"
.AddItem "british_soldiertype"
.AddItem "russian_soldiertype"
End With
' soldier ComboBox Variation
With cboSoldierV
.AddItem "american_soldiervariation"
.AddItem "british_soldiervariation"
.AddItem "russian_solidervariation"
End With
' Division Combobox
With cboDivision
.AddItem "commando"
.AddItem "veteran"
.AddItem "airborne"
.AddItem "conscript"
End With
With cboWeather
.AddItem "normal"
.AddItem "winter"
End With
With cboGerman
.AddItem "german_soldiertype"
End With
With cboG_Sold_Var
.AddItem "german_soldiervariation"
End With
With cboG_Division
.AddItem "waffen"
.AddItem "fallschirmjagercamo"
.AddItem "wehrmacht"
.AddItem "kriegsmarine"
End With
With CboAllies
.AddItem "american"
.AddItem "british"
.AddItem "russian"
End With
With cboG_Weather
.AddItem "normal"
.AddItem "winter"
End With
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
End Sub
Private Sub mnuArena_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub mnuCod_Options_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub mnuCod2_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub mnuExit_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub mnuSave_Click()
With cd1
On Error GoTo errHandler
.CancelError = True
.DialogTitle = "Exodus COD, COD2 Gaming Tools"
.Flags = cdlOFNReadOnly + cdlOFNOverwritePrompt
.Filter = "GSC Files (*.gsc)|*.gsc"
.FileName = ""
End With
Open cd1.FileName For Output As #1
Print #1, Text12.Text
Close #1
Exit Sub
End Sub
Here is the Declaration in a Class
Option Explicit
' Main Map GSC
Public game As String
Public sMain As String
Public soldierT As String
Public soldierV As String
Public weather As String
Public division As String
Public allies As String
Public axis As String
Public attackers As String
Public defenders As String
Public attackers1 As String
Public defender1 As String
Public axis1 As String
Public allies1 As String
Public Ambient As String
Public germanT As String
Public germanV As String
Public germanW As String
Public germanD As String
Public layoutimage As String
Public layout1 As String
' Map_Fx.gsc
Public pathfx As String
Public pathfx1 As String
Public pathfx2 As String
Public pathgx3 As String
Public alias As String
Public alias1 As String
Public alias2 As String
Public alias3 As String
Public effect As String
Public effect1 As String
Public loadfx As String
Public loadfx1 As String
Public maps As String
Public maps1 As String
Public waitT As String
Public waitV As String
Public x As Single
Public x1 As Single
Public y As Single
Public y2 As Single
Public z As Single
Public z3 As Single
' setCullFog - ambientPlay - maps\mp\_load::main();
Public sCF As String
Public mp As String
Public mMP As String
Public a As String
Public b As String
Public c As String
Public d As String
Public e As String
Public f As String
Public Property Get sHead()
sHead = Me.sMain & vbNewLine & Chr(123) & vbNewLine & " " & vbNewLine & " " & _
sCF & Chr(40) & a & " " & b & " " & c & " " & d & " " & e & " " & f & Chr(41) & Chr(59) & vbNewLine & " " & _
mp & " " & Chr(40) & Chr(34) & Ambient & Chr(34) & Chr(41) & Chr(59) & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & " " & _
mMP & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & " " & _
"game" & Chr(91) & Chr(34) & & attackers & Chr(34) & Chr(93) & " " & Chr(61) & " " & Chr(34) & allies & Chr(34) & Chr(59) & vbNewLine & " " & _
"game" & Chr(91) & Chr(34) & & defenders & Chr(34) & Chr(93) & " " & Chr(61) & " " & Chr(34) & axis & Chr(34) & Chr(59) & vbNewLine & " " & _
"game" & Chr(91) & Chr(34) & & attackers1 & Chr(34) & Chr(93) & " " & Chr(61) & " " & Chr(34) & allies1 & Chr(34) & Chr(59) & vbNewLine & " " & _
"game" & Chr(91) & Chr(34) & & defender1 & Chr(34) & Chr(93) & " " & Chr(61) & " " & Chr(34) & axis1 & Chr(34) & Chr(59) & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & " " & _
"game" & Chr(91) & Chr(34) & & soldierT & Chr(34) & Chr(93) & " " & Chr(61) & " " & Chr(34) & division & Chr(34) & Chr(59) & vbNewLine & " " & _
"game" & Chr(91) & Chr(34) & & soldierV & Chr(34) & Chr(93) & " " & Chr(61) & " " & Chr(34) & weather & Chr(34) & Chr(59) & vbNewLine & " " & _
"game" & Chr(91) & Chr(34) & & germanT & Chr(34) & Chr(93) & " " & Chr(61) & " " & Chr(34) & germanD & Chr(34) & Chr(59) & vbNewLine & " " & _
"game" & Chr(91) & Chr(34) & & germanV & Chr(34) & Chr(93) & " " & Chr(61) & " " & Chr(34) & germanW & Chr(34) & Chr(59) & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & " " & _
"game" & Chr(91) & Chr(34) & & layoutimage & Chr(34) & Chr(93) & " " & Chr(61) & " " & Chr(34) & layout1 & Chr(34) & Chr(59) & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & " " & Chr(125)
End Property
Public Property Get sEfx()
sEfx = vbNewLine & " " & vbNewLine & " " & _
effect & alias & loadfx & pathfx & vbNewLine & " " & _
maps & Chr(40) & alias1 & " " & Chr(40) & x & " " & y & " " & z & Chr(41) & waitT & Chr(41) & Chr(59) & vbNewLine & " " & _
effect1 & alias2 & loadfx1 & pathfx1 & vbNewLine & " " & _
maps1 & Chr(40) & alias3 & " " & Chr(40) & x1 & " " & y2 & " " & z3 & Chr(41) & waitV & Chr(41) & Chr(59) & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & vbNewLine
End Proper
Here is output file that is originally you will get.
level._effect["fire"]= loadfx("fx/fire/tinybon.efx");
maps\mp\_fx::loopfx("fire", (16 24 0),0.6);
level._effect["smoke"]= loadfx("fx/smoke/ash_smoke.efx");
maps\mp\_fx::loopfx("smoke", (16 24 32),0.7);
setCullFog(0, 6000, .32, .33, .40, 0);
ambientPlay ("");
game["allies"] = "";
game["axis"] = "german";
game["attackers"] = "allies";
game["defenders"] = "axis";
game[""] = "";
game[""] = "";
game[""] = "";
game[""] = "";
game["layoutimage"] = "";
Now the question i am asking... is that between the brackets before and the end... i want to insert the sEfx inside those brackets on using the loop condition... but when i hit add effects it will drop below the bottom bracket...
Now when i get the correct code to insert in between the brackets, i want to keep adding sEfx script in there.. .and still have the rest of the code there...
thanks experts
Merry Christmas and happy Holidays.
Wildturkey -
Ok since i am not getting a proper response.. I will try to explain it a different way.
main() <- without loosing this function
{ < - without loosing these bracket
I want to keep the main() and the brackets at stationary point.
Insert Multiple Arrays here
Insert Multiple Arrays here.
Look at the EFFECTS code, i want to insert the same script in these brackets over and over without loosing the brackets
} < - without loosing these brackets
they seem to fall under the brackets here...
Multiple Arrays here
I can't seem to add it in between the brackets using Arrays without loosing the brackets and main()
better example.. or am i even confusing it worse than ever lol
wildturkey. -
15 years agoby chrisdickson
Chris Dickson
Woking, England, United KingdomJoined 15 years agoYes. This is incredibly confusing.
But, if I understand this correctly, you wish to (effectively) insert some dynamically generated code in your main() function...?
If so, consider looking for the final closing brace character.
If it is safe to assume that said closing brace is the last character in the current contents of the TextBox, then change
'Label2.Caption = sBill.sHead
Text12.Text = Text12.Text & sBill.sEfx
'Label2.Caption = sBill.sHead
Text12.Text = Left$(Text12.Text, Len(Text12.Text) - 1) & sBill.sEfx
If it is not safe to assume that the closing brace is the last character (e.g. it may be followed by a number of vbCrLf newline pairs) then the replacement code should be
'Label2.Caption = sBill.sHead
strTrimmedContent = RTrim$(Text12.Text)
Text12.Text = Left$(strTrimmedContent, Len(strTrimmedContent) - 1) & sBill.sEfx
Then add the closing brace back in.
I believe this will do what you want. -
level.effect["fire"]= loadfx("fx/fire/tinybon.efx");
maps\mp_fx::loopfx("fire", (16 24 0),0.6);
level.effect["smoke"]= loadfx("fx/smoke/ashsmoke.efx");
maps\mp_fx::loopfx("smoke", (16 24 32),0.7);
// these is controlled by an Array, i keep clicking Add Efx and i get rows of the samething
level.effect["fire"]= loadfx("fx/fire/tinybon.efx"); // This is what i am looken for with main() and brackets. but i am not getting this look
maps\mp_fx::loopfx("fire", (16 24 0),0.6); // below.
level.effect["smoke"]= loadfx("fx/smoke/ashsmoke.efx");
maps\mp_fx::loopfx("smoke", (16 24 32),0.7);
level.effect["fire"]= loadfx("fx/fire/tinybon.efx");
maps\mp_fx::loopfx("fire", (16 24 0),0.6);
level.effect["smoke"]= loadfx("fx/smoke/ash_smoke.efx");
maps\mp_fx::loopfx("smoke", (16 24 32),0.7);
level.effect["fire"]= loadfx("fx/fire/tinybon.efx");
maps\mp_fx::loopfx("fire", (16 24 0),0.6);
level.effect["smoke"]= loadfx("fx/smoke/ash_smoke.efx");
maps\mp_fx::loopfx("smoke", (16 24 32),0.7);
Now the above script i cant keep the main() and the brackets together
they seem to drop below the brackets. like this
level.effect["fire"]= loadfx("fx/fire/tinybon.efx");
maps\mp_fx::loopfx("fire", (16 24 0),0.6);
level.effect["smoke"]= loadfx("fx/smoke/ash_smoke.efx");
maps\mp_fx::loopfx("smoke", (16 24 32),0.7);
level.effect["fire"]= loadfx("fx/fire/tinybon.efx");
maps\mp_fx::loopfx("fire", (16 24 0),0.6);
level.effect["smoke"]= loadfx("fx/smoke/ash_smoke.efx");
maps\mp_fx::loopfx("smoke", (16 24 32),0.7);
I could send the source code to one person so you can accually see the interface and what i am trying to do...
The Effects has to fall between the brackets but they are dropping below the brackets.. .
hope this is a little better example...
Wildturkey -
15 years agoby chrisdickson
Chris Dickson
Woking, England, United KingdomJoined 15 years agoOk, so I did understand what you meant. That's good.
Did you try making the modifications I suggested? They ought to make some difference.
I don't see any code in the sample you have posted that inserts the:
snippet. Any chance you could post the code that inserts that?
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