error in .vbs FTP routine invoked from VB 6.0

  • 14 years ago

    (sorry if this belongs in another thread, I didn't find a VBscript one...)


    I’m getting an error when trying to run this VBscript.

    Script: (the pathname of the script)

    Line: 25

    Char: 1

    Error: type mismatch: ‘format’

    Code: 800a000d

    Source: Microsoft vbscript runtime error 


    I’ve used several .vbs FTP scripts before with no problem, but what’s new/different with this one is that the Upload filename is not static, it’s

    L(the current date in mmddyy format)t

    for example



    This VBscript is being invoked from some VB 6.0 code.

    In VB 6.0 ,  I’ve used statements like:

    DestinationFile = "D:\BD\HT\NewBusiness\HT" & Format(Date, "mmddyy") & ".txt"

    all the time without problem.


    My question is:

    What format do I need to make the .Upload statement in the .vbs to get it to work

    Or if that’s not what needs to be done

    Is there a way to pass via variables from vb 6.0 to vbscript the names of the two files to use in the upload statement, so I pass in the L020707t name + the path needed?


    Thanks in advance,



    ' VBS Script Generated by CuteFTP (TM) macro recorder.

    ' Generated, then edited: 02/07/07 by dgr


    ' Create TEConnection object

    Set MySite = CreateObject("CuteFTPPro.TEConnection")


    ' Initialize remote server host name, protocol, port, etc.

    MySite.Host = ""

    MySite.Protocol = "FTP"

    MySite.Port = 21

    MySite.Retries = 34

    MySite.Delay = 7

    MySite.MaxConnections = 4

    MySite.TransferType = "ASCII"

    MySite.DataChannel = "DEFAULT"

    MySite.AutoRename = "OFF"

    ' WARNING!!! SENSITIVE DATA: user name and password.

    MySite.Login = "*******"

    MySite.Password = "*******"

    MySite.SocksInfo = ""

    MySite.ProxyInfo = ""

    ' Connect to remote server


    MySite.Upload "D:\DailyLetterRun&RSFUploads\Letters\L" & Format(Date, "mmddyy") & "t", "/L" & Format(Date, "mmddyy") & "t"


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