Visual Basic Object properties...

  • 14 years ago

    Hi.  I am new to VB.  I noticed that the items in the property pane for a chosen object (picked from the tool pane) is different from the properties for the same object in the code windows.  Why is that?

    Allow me to clarify.  When you are writing the code, once a key word for the object is recognized, a pull-down list for that object appears.  The programmer simply has to scroll down to the desire property then hit the space bar to include that property in the code.  However, the properties in these pull-down menu is different that those appeared in the property pane (window) when you add that object to the form.  Why?

    And speaking of object properties, where can I find a list of properties for any and all of the objects, and their definition/usage?

    Thank you for your help.

  • 14 years ago
    They display different items because the Property Window only display properties, while the list of keywords that appear in the Code Windows, display both the properties and methods...

    For the list of object properties, I'm sure MSDN could help you:

    Smiley Face [:)]

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