Help with very basic adding

  • 13 years ago

    I am trying to mimic a windows calculator and am having problems with the running total.

    Working so far is when i click numbers they display in the text box

    but when i click add what i would like to do is clear the text box but store that number, then when the new number is entered is add that to the stored number to keep a running total.

    Then when the equals button is hit is displays that number in the running total....


    I know this may be basic to most but i need major help with this

  • 13 years ago


    This code is not mine but I don't remember from where have I got it, it is nice and simulates the windows calculator. To make it work, add the below controls to your form:

    • Label named "ReadOut".
    • 4 Buttons called Decimal, Percent, Cancel, and Cancel Entry
    • Array of 5 buttons called Operator (for + - / * =)
    • Array of 10 buttons called Number (for digits 0 to 9)

    And the code is:

    Option Explicit

    Dim Op1, Op2                ' Previously input operand.
    Dim DecimalFlag As Integer  ' Decimal point present yet?
    Dim NumOps As Integer       ' Number of operands.
    Dim LastInput               ' Indicate type of last keypress event.
    Dim OpFlag                  ' Indicate pending operation.
    Dim TempReadout

    ' Click event procedure for C (cancel) key.
    ' Reset the display and initializes variables.
    Private Sub Cancel_Click()
        Readout = Format(0, "0.")
        Op1 = 0
        Op2 = 0
    End Sub

    Private Sub Cancel_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
    PressKey (KeyAscii)
    End Sub

    ' Click event procedure for CE (cancel entry) key.
    Private Sub CancelEntry_Click()
        Readout = Format(0, "0.")
        DecimalFlag = False
        LastInput = "CE"
    End Sub

    Private Sub CancelEntry_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
    PressKey (KeyAscii)
    End Sub

    Private Sub Command1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
    PressKey (KeyAscii)
    End Sub

    Private Sub Command2_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
    PressKey (KeyAscii)
    End Sub

    ' Click event procedure for decimal point (.) key.
    ' If last keypress was an operator, initialize
    ' readout to "0." Otherwise, append a decimal
    ' point to the display.
    Private Sub Decimal_Click()
        If LastInput = "NEG" Then
            Readout = Format(0, "-0.")
        ElseIf LastInput <> "NUMS" Then
            Readout = Format(0, "0.")
        End If
        DecimalFlag = True
        LastInput = "NUMS"
    End Sub

    Private Sub Decimal_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
    PressKey (KeyAscii)
    End Sub

    ' Initialization routine for the form.
    ' Set all variables to initial values.
    Private Sub Form_Load()
        DecimalFlag = False
        NumOps = 0
        LastInput = "NONE"
        OpFlag = " "
        Readout = Format(0, "0.")
        'Decimal.Caption = Format(0, ".")
    End Sub

    ' Click event procedure for number keys (0-9).
    ' Append new number to the number in the display.
    Private Sub Number_Click(Index As Integer)
        If LastInput <> "NUMS" Then
            Readout = Format(0, ".")
            DecimalFlag = False
        End If
        If DecimalFlag Then
            Readout = Readout + Number(Index).Caption
            Readout = Left(Readout, InStr(Readout, Format(0, ".")) - 1) + Number(Index).Caption + Format(0, ".")
        End If
        If LastInput = "NEG" Then Readout = "-" & Readout
        LastInput = "NUMS"
    End Sub

    Private Sub Number_KeyPress(Index As Integer, KeyAscii As Integer)
    PressKey (KeyAscii)
    End Sub
    Sub PressKey(KeyAscii)
    Dim Char As String
    Char = Chr(KeyAscii)
        Select Case Char
        Case 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
            Number_Click (Char)
        Case "="
            Operator_Click (4)
        Case "+"
            Operator_Click (1)
        Case "-"
            Operator_Click (3)
        Case "/"
            Operator_Click (0)
        Case "*"
            Operator_Click (2)
        Case "%"
        Case "."
        Case Else
            Exit Sub
        End Select
    End Sub

    ' Click event procedure for operator keys (+, -, x, /, =).
    ' If the immediately preceeding keypress was part of a
    ' number, increments NumOps. If one operand is present,
    ' set Op1. If two are present, set Op1 equal to the
    ' result of the operation on Op1 and the current
    ' input string, and display the result.
    Private Sub Operator_Click(Index As Integer)
        TempReadout = Readout
        If LastInput = "NUMS" Then
            NumOps = NumOps + 1
        End If
        Select Case NumOps
            Case 0
            If Operator(Index).Caption = "-" And LastInput <> "NEG" Then
                Readout = "-" & Readout
                LastInput = "NEG"
            End If
            Case 1
            Op1 = Readout
            If Operator(Index).Caption = "-" And LastInput <> "NUMS" And OpFlag <> "=" Then
                Readout = "-"
                LastInput = "NEG"
            End If
            Case 2
            Op2 = TempReadout
            Select Case OpFlag
                Case "+"
                    Op1 = CDbl(Op1) + CDbl(Op2)
                Case "-"
                    Op1 = CDbl(Op1) - CDbl(Op2)
                Case "X"
                    Op1 = CDbl(Op1) * CDbl(Op2)
                Case "/"
                    If Op2 = 0 Then
                       MsgBox "Can't divide by zero", 48, "Calculator"
                       Op1 = CDbl(Op1) / CDbl(Op2)
                    End If
                Case "="
                    Op1 = CDbl(Op2)
                Case "%"
                    Op1 = CDbl(Op1) * CDbl(Op2)
                End Select
            Readout = Op1
            NumOps = 1
        End Select
        If LastInput <> "NEG" Then
            LastInput = "OPS"
            OpFlag = Operator(Index).Caption
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub Operator_KeyPress(Index As Integer, KeyAscii As Integer)
    PressKey (KeyAscii)
    End Sub

    ' Click event procedure for percent key (%).
    ' Compute and display a percentage of the first operand.
    Private Sub Percent_Click()
        Readout = Readout / 100
        LastInput = "Ops"
        OpFlag = "%"
        NumOps = NumOps + 1
        DecimalFlag = True
    End Sub
    Private Sub Percent_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
        Dim Char As String
        Char = Chr(KeyAscii)
        If Char = "%" Then
            Readout = Readout / 100
            LastInput = "Ops"
            OpFlag = "%"
            NumOps = NumOps + 1
            DecimalFlag = True
        End If
    End Sub
    Public Sub Plus()
        SendKeys "{+}", True
    End Sub
    Public Sub Subtract()
        SendKeys "{-}", True
    End Sub
    Public Sub Divide()
        SendKeys "/", True
    End Sub
    Public Sub Equals()
        SendKeys "{=}", True
    End Sub
    Public Sub MultiPly()
        SendKeys "*", True
    End Sub
    Public Sub SendValue(Number As Double)
        SendKeys Number, True
    End Sub

    Hope this works for you.

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