Need Help on Pointing to an open form

  • 13 years ago
    I have 2 forms, 1 for Viewing Info and the other for adding info. After adding the info, I need to fill page 1 (already opened) with the info from the database without having to implement a refresh button on page 1 How do I go about doing this from page 2(adding) I'm using VB 2005 Expess Edition. Thanks for all the Help.
  • 13 years ago
    hi i dont know much about vb 2005. i work in vb6. i refresh the page in Form_activate event to auto-refresh the page. hope this hint will help you regards manpreet singh dhillon hoshiarpur
  • 13 years ago


     The best way to do it is creating a sub in the form that needs to be refreshed that handles the refreshing, and instead of type Private, declare this sub as public and this way you will be able to call it from the any other form ex: form2.RefreshForm()    that is if created a sub called "Public Sub RefreshForm()"


     This is my first post in this forum since about a year, it is nice to be back.

  • 12 years ago
    Thans You all for the help,

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