Internet Bandwidth & traffic

internet , bandwidth , visual basic Iran
  • 12 years ago
    Hello agian, i have a computer on a lan (local area network) it connect to the internet via a server( a computer on the lan that allow us to connect to the internet) now i use this code to see how many datas(KB) that i sent & recived but that has a problem , it shows me the lan traffic & internet traffic . I only want that show me only internet Traffic ( dont show me the lan traffic when i send or recived a file from a computer in my lan). example: when i open network drive or send a file to another computer in my lan this program save all packets that sends & recives but i wan to save my internet traffic only not network traffic can anyone help me how i can change this source code for save internet traffic not all packets? such as this program
  • 12 years ago
    Please Help me

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