Training & Events in Heidelberg, Germany
Swiss App Awards 2013 - Zurich, Switzerland
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Trifork GmbH
We are glad to present our yearly event dedicated only to apps – the very first of its kind in Switzerland and one of the first in Europe. During the evening we will celebrate the apps, their developers, and the companies behind them. This year the event will be hosted at the Marriott Hotel in Zurich, February 7, 2013.
New Years Meetup - Amsterdam, Netherlands
happened 8 years ago
Organised by nlgug - Groovy and Grails User Group Netherlands
A fresh year, so a fresh new NLGUG meetup!Programme: *A recap of the Groovy/Grails Exchange 2012 (by Erik Pragt), *Live coding demo of instrumenting a Tomcat webserver for performance measurement by Kees Jan Koster. *Your idea here - Suggestions welcome!More details to follow!
Regular Meetup - Dordrecht, Netherlands
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Agile Holland
De reguliere Agile Holland meetup begint om 18:00 met een eenvoudige doch voedzame maaltijd gevolgd door één of meer praatjes, workshops en/of openspace sessies.Heb je een idee voor een thema? Meld het! Het staat alle leden vrij om los van de reguliere meetups extra meetups te organiseren. Mocht je daar hulp bij nodig hebben, neem dan contact op via [email protected].
it's about time, you nerds. - Hannover, Germany
happened 8 years ago
Organised by tape.up
Motto: it's about time, you nerds.Datum: Freitag den 05.10.2012, ab 19 Uhr.Organisation / Sponsoren: + EDELSTALLVerpflegung: Kaltgetränke & Chipsletten, wie immer quasi.Programm1. Tim Wesoly - Qubicle Voxel WorksEinfaches 3D mit dem besonderem Retro-Charme für Designer und Spieleentwickler2. Christian Häfner - Papierkram papierlos erledigenCo-Founder & Entrepreneur Christian Häfner bringt uns das nigel-nagel-neue FastBill mit!3.
Web Design, Web Designers & Your Company Website - Den Haag, Netherlands
happened 8 years ago
Organised by The future of Web 2.0
Register - this meetup our experts are going to discuss and, in some cases, demonstrate multiple design features, attributes, aspects and considerations of good (and bad) web design that need to be addressed by companies and organizations looking to meet their business objectives AND create an exceptionally well designed and smartly designed website.
Monthly Groovy and Grails Meetup - Amsterdam, Netherlands
happened 8 years ago
Organised by nlgug - Groovy and Grails User Group Netherlands
After a bit of inactivity, I think it's time to get together again, and revive the group!Every month, we get together to talk about our favorite technologies, including Groovy, Grails, Griffon Gradle, Geb. Held at various locations, enthusiasts get together and fill the evening with geeky and fun talks about innovative technologies!Agenda:TBD at the Next meetup!Location:Somewhere in the center of the NetherlandsKind regards,Erik Pragt
Regular Meetup - Dordrecht, Netherlands
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Agile Holland
De reguliere Agile Holland meetup begint om 18:00 met een eenvoudige doch voedzame maaltijd gevolgd door één of meer praatjes, workshops en/of openspace sessies.Heb je een idee voor een thema? Meld het! Het staat alle leden vrij om los van de reguliere meetups extra meetups te organiseren. Mocht je daar hulp bij nodig hebben, neem dan contact op via [email protected].
Ugly Duckling hosts Steve Freeman's - 'Fractal Test-Driven Development' - Dordrecht, Netherlands
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Agile Holland
We are pleased to announce that Steve Freeman, author of 'Growing Object-Oriented Software Guided by Tests' will be giving a presentation at Ugly Duckling's Amsterdam Lab.Steve says:"I will present my experiences applying Test-Driven Development (TDD) at all levels of the development process.TDD at the class level is now well understood (if not always well practiced)
Vierde middleware meetup: PaaS frenzy! - Amsterdam, Netherlands
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Amsterdam Middleware Borrel
Het wordt weer hoog tijd voor een Amsterdam Middleware Meetup! Op 26 september organiseren we een kennis marktplaats rondom Platform-as-a-Service technologie.Er zijn zoveel verschillende oplossingen dat het zwart voor je ogen ziet: Er zijn public, private en hybrid PaaS varianten, er zijn er met ondersteuning voor Java, Ruby, Node.JS, MongoDB en RabbitMQ en er zijn er die volledig production-ready, public beta of net in ontwikkeling zijn.
NYC meets Berlin - Berlin, Germany
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Scala User Group - Berlin Brandenburg
It is time to welcome someone from across the Atlantic who is very well known in the Scala community. We'll get together and let Nathan Hamblen be part of our meetup.One just needs to look at his Github ( space and the many successful projects like,Unfiltered, a toolkit for servicing HTTP requests in ScalaDispatch, a library for asynchronous HTTP interactionconscript, a tool for installing and updating Scala software programs and
OpenCoffee Den Haag - oc070 Monthly Meetup - Den Haag, Netherlands
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Open Coffee Den Haag #oc070 -
Location and possible topic to be announced - Locatie en eventueel thema nog aan te kondigen.
Agile Games Night - Dordrecht, Netherlands
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Agile Holland
Agile principes leren en ervaren met behulp van games!Wegens succes herhaald! ;-) Na een spetterende 1e editie organiseren wij op 4 september de 2e 'Agile Games Night'. Door middel van verschillende spelvormen kan je Agile concepten ervaren. De spelvormen zijn fysieke spellen, dus geen games in de zin van computer games. Agile games zijn een goed hulpmiddel om met elkaar de Agile principes te leren kennen, te begrijpen en toe te passen.Wat gaan we daarom doen?
NoSQL Roadshow in Basel 30 August 2012 - Basel, Switzerland
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Trifork GmbH
The title of the Roadshow is "NoSQL and Highly Scalable Systems - The Theory, The Practice and the Case Studies" and will be presented by Matt Aslett, Pavlo Baron, Marcus Kern, David Dawson, Ian Plosker, Patrick Baumgartner, Christian Gügi, Jean-Pierre Koenig and Joern Larsen. Facing the needs of our participants we have broaden our programme: beside subjects around RIAK we will have some talks about Hadoop and MongoDB! Whole event will give you the broad view of NoSQL scene.
MongoDB Indexing - München, Germany
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Munchen MongoDB User Group
For this month's München MongoDB User Group we are very excited to have visiting us Derick Rethans, 10gen engineer and PHP evangelist.Derick will be giving a talk to the group as below.MongoDB supports a wide range of indexing options to enable fast querying of your data. In this talk, Derick Rethans will cover how indexing works, the various indexing options, and explore various use cases where each indexing option might be useful.
Monthly Groovy and Grails Meetup - Amsterdam, Netherlands
happened 8 years ago
Organised by nlgug - Groovy and Grails User Group Netherlands
After a bit of inactivity, I think it's time to get together again, and revive the group!Every month, we get together to talk about our favorite technologies, including Groovy, Grails, Griffon Gradle, Geb. Held at various locations, enthusiasts get together and fill the evening with geeky and fun talks about innovative technologies!Agenda:TBD at the Next meetup!Location:Somewhere in the center of the NetherlandsKind regards,Erik Pragt
Regular Meetup - Dordrecht, Netherlands
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Agile Holland
De reguliere Agile Holland meetup begint om 18:00 met een eenvoudige doch voedzame maaltijd gevolgd door één of meer praatjes, workshops en/of openspace sessies.Heb je een idee voor een thema? Meld het! Het staat alle leden vrij om los van de reguliere meetups extra meetups te organiseren. Mocht je daar hulp bij nodig hebben, neem dan contact op via [email protected].
Monads Self Help Session - Berlin, Germany
happened 8 years ago
Organised by The Functional Club
Mystified by monads? Somehow both simple and complex, and notoriously hard to internalise, they can be slippery little things. Let's help each other out.If you understand monads, and would like to help, please prepare an explanation of how you understand them, and then come along and share it. If you don't understand monads, come along and listen, and hopefully, someone's way of looking at it will strike a chord with you.
Regular Meetup - Dordrecht, Netherlands
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Agile Holland
De reguliere Agile Holland meetup begint om 18:00 met een eenvoudige doch voedzame maaltijd gevolgd door één of meer praatjes, workshops en/of openspace sessies.Heb je een idee voor een thema? Meld het! Het staat alle leden vrij om los van de reguliere meetups extra meetups te organiseren. Mocht je daar hulp bij nodig hebben, neem dan contact op via [email protected].
Introduction to F# Coding (Continued) - Zürich, Switzerland
happened 8 years ago
Organised by The Zurich FSharp Users Meetup Group
This meetup is split in two parts. During part 1, we present some more F# fundamentals. During part 2, we introduce F# algebraic types and pattern matching, including active patterns. As always, some catering is included.You can find here an invitation with the detailed schedule and an aerial view of the location. If you come for the first time, please take the invitation with you, to make sure you find us (the address is not shown accurately in Google maps/Bing maps)
Monthly Groovy and Grails Meetup - Amsterdam, Netherlands
happened 8 years ago
Organised by nlgug - Groovy and Grails User Group Netherlands
After a bit of inactivity, I think it's time to get together again, and revive the group!Every month, we get together to talk about our favorite technologies, including Groovy, Grails, Griffon Gradle, Geb. Held at various locations, enthusiasts get together and fill the evening with geeky and fun talks about innovative technologies!Agenda:TBD at the Next meetup!Location:Somewhere in the center of the NetherlandsKind regards,Erik Pragt
Monthly Groovy and Grails Meetup - Amsterdam, Netherlands
happened 8 years ago
Organised by nlgug - Groovy and Grails User Group Netherlands
After a bit of inactivity, I think it's time to get together again, and revive the group!Every month, we get together to talk about our favorite technologies, including Groovy, Grails, Griffon Gradle, Geb. Held at various locations, enthusiasts get together and fill the evening with geeky and fun talks about innovative technologies!Agenda:TBD at the Next meetup!Location:Somewhere in the center of the NetherlandsKind regards,Erik Pragt
IASA NL meetup - Den Haag, Netherlands
happened 8 years ago
Organised by IASA NL
16:00 – 16:30 Inloop en welkom16:30 – 17:30 Viktor Grgic - Agile Architecting, doing more with less17:30 – 18:15 Diner18:15 – 19:15 Sessie 2 – Fishbowl – interactieve discussie19:15 – 20:00 Sessie 3 – Iasa, next steps, planning, trainingen, interactieve discussie etc.20:00 – 21:00 Borrel en netwerkenAgile Architecting, doing more with less
Regular Meetup - Dordrecht, Netherlands
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Agile Holland
De reguliere Agile Holland meetup begint om 18:00 met een eenvoudige doch voedzame maaltijd gevolgd door één of meer praatjes, workshops en/of openspace sessies.Heb je een idee voor een thema? Meld het! Het staat alle leden vrij om los van de reguliere meetups extra meetups te organiseren. Mocht je daar hulp bij nodig hebben, neem dan contact op via [email protected].
The Meetup-Graph - Cypher Hands On - Berlin, Germany
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Graph Database - Berlin
As Neo4j's query language Cypher added mutating operations in 1.8 and is already quite mature, we'd love to explore what's possible now.We're also interested in your feedback and suggestions on how to improve it further.In this meetup we're gonna take a whirlwind tour through Cypher's features and syntax and apply our knowledge to add ourselves and our personal egoGraphs to the world-wide Neo4j Meetup graph.
NoSQL matters 2012 - Cologne, Germany
happened 8 years ago
Under the caption NoSQL matters, Germany’s largest international NoSQL conference will take place from May 29th to May 30th 2012 in Cologne. The event is supposed to give pioneers in this area the opportunity to present recent innovations in the dynamic field of large, scalable, high-performance databases. Among our speakers: Salvatore Sanfilippo (Redis), Jan Lehnard (Couchbase), Olaf Bachmann (Google), Douglass Judd (Hypertable), and Jonathan Ellis (Cassandra)
GOTO Amsterdam 2012 - Amsterdam, Netherlands
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Trifork & Dutchworks
International Software Development Conference
Vierde middleware meetup - Amsterdam, Netherlands
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Amsterdam Middleware Borrel
We zijn momenteel bezig om samen te bepalen naar welke onderwerpen de meeste interesse uitgaat. Doe mee aan de enquete!
Agile & Het Nieuwe Werken - Dordrecht, Netherlands
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Agile Holland
Als je moeite hebt om Agile te combineren met Het Nieuwe Werken, dan doe je een van beide fout. Dat is de stelling waar we de meetup mee beginnen. Aan het eind van de avond weten we in hoeverre die stelling klopt.De meetup begint om 18:00 met een eenvoudige doch voedzame maaltijd gevolgd door een prikkelende presentatie en een fishbowl-sessie.If you have trouble combining Agile with Het Nieuwe Werken, you're doing one of them wrong. That's the starting premise of the meet up.
Railshöck - Zürich, Switzerland
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Ruby on Rails Schweiz
We have an offer for a talk from Christian Felder.Christian will introduce us to the basics of Facebook applications, how to work with Rails and talk about some learnings he had while building Silp.
Grails in the Cloud! - Monthly Groovy and Grails Meetup - Amsterdam, Netherlands
happened 8 years ago
Organised by nlgug - Groovy and Grails User Group Netherlands
Topic: Grails in the Cloud!Always wanted to know what the buzz is about PaaS, including platforms like CloudFoundry, Jelastic, Heroku, CloudBees, OpenShift or Elastic Beanstalk, this is your evening to find out.The goal of the night is to learn about these platforms, get some hands-on experience, and share your experience with the groupAgenda:18.00-18.45 Welcome and food18.45-19.15 Presentation - Introduction to Cloud, IaaS, PaaS and Saas by Maikel Alderhout
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