Training & Events in Germany
Charting / Grafiken mit ExtJS 4 - Hamburg, Germany
happened 9 years ago
Organised by ExtJS User Group Hamburg
* ExtJS Charting* Bier, Limo und Kuchen genießen
Scaling with MongoDB & New Features in 1.8 / 2.0 (roadmap) Antoine Girbal, 10gen - Muenchen, Germany
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Munchen MongoDB User Group
10gen developer Antoine will be attending the Meetup to speak on a mixture of Scaling with MongoDB and a roadmap session on new features in 1.8 / 2.0. The meetup should last about an hour, with plenty of time for questions afterwards!Look forward to seeing you there!Antoine works on MongoDB core apps and the Java driver.
HH.js Meetup - Hamburg, Germany
happened 9 years ago
Organised by HH.js
Monthly meetup of the JavaScript community in Hamburg
Amazon Cloud: Tech Summit for Developers and Architects - Berlin, Germany
happened 9 years ago
Attend this half-day event and gain in-depth knowledge of key technical concepts such as running applications and databases using Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS offers a set of simple building block web services that together form a reliable, scalable, and inexpensive computing platform “in the cloud”. During the event, customers will present on their use cases and experiences with AWS.
ExtJS / Sencha Touch Meetup - Frankfurt am Main, Germany
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Ext JS User Group Frankfurt
Agenda: *Build und Deploy von Sencha Touch Apps auf mobile Geräte - SDK/Phonegap demo (Rocco) *Neues bei der Ext 4 Applikations Entwicklung anhand eines kleines Beispiels (Nils) *Ext 4 Beta Diskutieren *...Weite Beiträge herzlich willkommen, einfach kurz Bescheid geben und ich füge sie dann auf die Agenda.
HH.js Meetup - Hamburg, Germany
happened 9 years ago
Organised by HH.js
Monthly meetup of the JavaScript community in Hamburg
HH.js Meetup - Hamburg, Germany
happened 9 years ago
Organised by HH.js
Monthly meetup of the JavaScript community in Hamburg
HH.js Meetup - Hamburg, Germany
happened 10 years ago
Organised by HH.js
Monthly meetup of the JavaScript community in Hamburg
Ext JS Meetup - Frankfurt am Main, Germany
happened 10 years ago
Organised by Ext JS User Group Frankfurt
Jede Art von Beiträgen sind herzlich willkommen. Schickt mir einfach eine kurze Nachricht und ich ergänze es auf der Agenda.Agenda *Mobile Chat with Sencha Touch + node.js + *... dein BeitragUnter allen Teilnehmern wird ein Exemplar des Buches "ExtJS in Action" von Jesus Garcia verlost.
BarCamp Darmstadt - Darmstadt, Germany
happened 10 years ago
Zum Auftakt des BarCamps Darmstadt findet am Abend des 19. November eine Party statt. Im lockeren Rahmen bietet sich den rund 300 Teilnehmern hier eine erste Gelegenheit zum Kennenlernen und Wiedersehen. An den folgenden beiden Tagen finden dann die Vorträge und Diskussionen in den Räumen der Deutschen Telekom auf dem Technologiecampus Rhein-Main statt. Für Frühstück und Verpflegung ist gesorgt, lediglich die Übernachtungen müssen selbst organisiert werden.
DjangoCon Europe 2010 - Berlin, Germany
happened 10 years ago
DjangoCon returns for its second year in Europe; the first as a wholly community-supported conference. Come join us in Berlin for a week of great talks on topics in Django and web development, with all the hacking, socializing and sprinting you'd expect from the Django community!
Ext JS User Group - Frankfurt am Main, Germany
happened 10 years ago
Organised by Ext JS User Group Frankfurt
Alle Art von Vorträgen, präsentation von Demos und sonstigen Beiträgen sind herzlich willkommen!Wenn ihr einen Beitrag habt, meldet euch bei mir, ich veröffentliche es dann an dieser Stelle.
Drupal-Initiative Sprint in Essen - Essen, Germany
happened 11 years ago
Organised by Drupal Meetups Worldwide
Auftaktveranstaltung der Drupal-Initiative Die Drupal-Initiative lädt alle Mitglieder und alle Interessierten ein, am Samstag, den 12.12.2009 um 10 Uhr ins Unperfekthaus ( "Eintritt 5,50 inkl. beliebig viel Milchkaffee, Tee, Cola, Limo, Wasser, Espresso, Kakao, ..." (ohne alkoholischer Getränke)") in Essen zu kommen.
9th European Software Conference by the ESWC - Berlin, Germany
happened 11 years ago
Organised by ESWC e.V.
The ESWC (e.V.) (Court Reg. Nr. 77 VR 1319) is a not for profit association. The ESWC e.V. organizes the European Software Conference. The purpose of the conference is to provide a gateway to facilitate sharing information to and for software developers and companies and organizations who provide products and services to software developers and the (Micro-) ISV-Industry.
European Venture Market - Berlin, Germany
happened 11 years ago
The European Venture Market, organised by Continua AG, is a platform for investors, service providers and entrepreneurs to meet, network and further develop business ideas and projects, in a relaxed yet professional atmosphere. During the event the participating entrepreneurs will be able to pitch their startup business projects for around 5 minutes to a crowd of interested investors and service providers.
Agile Testing Days - Berlin, Germany
happened 11 years ago
Organised by OpenSource & Agile Community Events
Skills Matter is delighted to support The Agile Testing Days taking place in Berlin on 12-14th October! This event is the leading European conference for the worldwide professionals involved in the agile world. We are very proud to count on the support and the work of Lisa Crispin, Elisabeth Hendrickson, Tom Gilb, Stuart Reid, Isabel Evans, Tom and Mary Poppendieck and last but not least Alessandro Collino.
PHP Unconference 2009 - Hamburg, Germany
happened 11 years ago
The PHP User Group Hamburg and the Department of Computer Science, University Hamburg, Germany are delighted to invite you to the third PHP Unconference. The main focus of the unconference is PHP and related web technologies. There is no official ...
UXcamp Berlin '09 - Berlin, Germany
happened 11 years ago
Das UXcamp Berlin ‘09 (23. – 24. Mai 2009) ist ein Barcamp (Themencamp) für User Experience mit den Schwerpunkten» Information Architecture» Interaction Design» Usability Engineering» Visual Design» Prototype EngineeringDarüber hin...
next09 - Hamburg, Germany
happened 11 years ago
For the first time the next conference 2009 is taking place on two days at Kampnagel in Hamburg: on May 5 & 6, 2009. With 30 hours programme, 100 international speakers and 1500 participants from the advertising, technology, internet and media ind...
EduCamp - Ilmenau, Germany
happened 11 years ago
Themenspezifisches barcampEs versammeln sich Knowledge-Worker, Wissenschaftler, Lehrende, Entscheider, Agenturen und Studierende, die sich mit innovativen Formen, Formaten, Technologien, Strategien etc. des mediengestützten Lernens auseinander...
PHP Code Camp Series: Quality in Munich - München, Germany
happened 11 years ago
Die Zeiten, in denen man es sich leisten konnte, den Benutzer testen zu lassen, sind vorbei. Heute gilt in vielen Projekten gar die Regel, dass ein nicht getestetes Feature als nicht vorhanden gilt. Lernen Sie, wie man automatische Unit Tests schr...
Social Web BREAKFAST - Online-Recherche - was tun? - Berlin, Germany
happened 12 years ago
Organised by Social Web Breakfast
Alle zwei Monate treffen sich Experten und Interessierte aus den Bereichen IT, Kommunikation, Marketing und Business Innovation in den Städten München, Hamburg, Berlin, Frankfurt und Köln zum "Social Web Breakfast".
Xtopia 08 - Berlin, Germany
happened 12 years ago
Xtopia , die Microsoft-Konferenz für Business, Web Technology, Design & UX findet dieses Jahr vom 17.-18. November 2008 in Berlin statt. In der Veranstaltung geht es um alle Facetten des Consumer-Webs. Angesprochen werden alle Beteiligten: Web-/Interactive Designer, Web-Entwickler, UX-Professionals und Business-Entscheider.
SQL-Server and .NET-Conference - Frankfurt, Germany
happened 12 years ago
Organised by dFPUG c/o ISYS GmbH
Annual conference of dFPUG about SQL-Server and .NET development
Visual FoxPro Developer Conference - Frankfurt, Germany
happened 12 years ago
Organised by FoxPro User Group
Annual developer conference of the FoxPro User Group of German language with 55+ sessions in 4 tracks at 3 days in Frankfurt.
Web 2.0 Expo Europe 2008 - Berlin, Germany
happened 12 years ago
Organised by O'Reilly Media
To meet the increasing demand for Web 2.0 comprehension and skills, and to foster a broader European Web 2.0 community, O’Reilly Media and Techweb launched Web 2.0 Expo Europe in 2007. A companion event to the Web 2.0 Summit and the U.S. Web 2.0 Expos in San Francisco and New York, this event is the conference and tradeshow for everyone looking to embrace and build on the opportunities created by Web 2.0 technologies.
RailsConf Europe 2008 - Berlin, Germany
happened 12 years ago
Organised by O'Reilly Media
RailsConf Europe 2008 - co-produced by Ruby Central and O'Reilly Media and happening 2-4 September 2008 in Berlin - will feature presentations, keynotes, and tutorials by experts from the full spectrum of Rails techniques and practices. Seasoned Rails practitioners and newcomers alike will find a program honed to their particular interests and needs.
ASP konferenz - UserInterface und Design - Burghausen, Germany
happened 12 years ago
Organised by ppedv AG
Vom 18.-19. Juni 2008 findet die ASP konferenz in Burghausen statt - die Konferenz für Web-Developer und Web-Desinger! Mit Workshops vor sowie nach der Konferenz wird alles in allem Programm für eine komplette Woche geboten. Infos und Anmeldung unter
VSone - Konferenz rund um Visual Studio, .NET, SQL - München, Germany
happened 13 years ago
Organised by ppedv AG
Das Top-Event mit herstellerunabhängigen, kompakten und praxisorientieren Vorträgen zu Visual Studio 2008, .NET 3.5, WPF, Office & .NET, C# 3.0 und vielem mehr - pünktlich zum Launch von Visual Studio 2008!
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